Here are the 27 sites at risk.
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.2 weeks ago
Learn how a national-scale camera trap survey contributes to effective conservation action for hedgehogs and other UK species.3 weeks ago
Finding London’s Ferns by Henry Miller
Henry Miller will introduce the native ferns of London and guide us through their history, identification, and conservation.
I object to any of these sell offs. I can understand the reason to save money but not by selling off these sites which are very much a feature of the Borough. Please keep Bexley green
John Mercer
I think this is terrible. What can actually be done to try and stop some of these sell off’s? My immediate concern, as a resident, is site 21. I’m afraid that’ll get very little press with regards to gaining opposition, when compared to larger fields and playgrounds. Admittedly there’s not a great deal there apart from a few medium sized trees and lovely wild flowers in spring but it certain serves to improving the overall environment more than 4 new houses will. I suspect there’s already a developer somewhere, “in bed” with the council, rubbing his hands together at the prospect of making a bank load of cash out of this.
Hello, agree none should be sold off, it’s disgusting and esp surprising to see a tiny patch of grass on the edge of a round-a-bout at Belvedere – not suitable for development anyway???! . Clearly not green thinking local councils here…Wildlife need all the green patches available to them as a corridor between bigger habitats and people need space and green too, even those who haven’t yet realised it! We just wondered if anyone had thought of starting a 38 degrees petition about this – to gather support?
Lou & Brayley