Although Sunday 5th December turned out unseasonably warm the volunteer numbers were slightly down. We divided into two parties working from different sides of the nature reserve, pushing back brambles and buddleia to open up the wet areas.

Ruxley Gravel Pits Nature Reserve volunteers, with long-time warden Albert Watson on the right. (Photo: Martin Watts).
The plan is to meet up in the centre of the reserve by the end of the season which surprisingly is only three more working parties away. A lot of discussion revolved around which was worse to clear – brambles or buddleia. The old abandoned birds nests seem to favour the brambles. And why we didn’t have fire to toast our marshmallows …….
Because of the warm temperatures there were a few flying insects. Surprisingly a white tailed bumblebee came to investigate my yellow gloves, having done a whole session transects through the reserve and only seen a total of half a dozen bumblebees over the year it was unexpected and a pleasant surprise to see one in evidence.

Linda Graham and colleague celebrate the completion of some willow coppicing work. (Photo: Martin Watts).
Our next working party is on Sunday 17th January 2016, details on the Bexley Wildlife website.
Martin Watts