Thames Road Wetland, the River Wansunt and the Cray along By-way 105 benefitted from the efforts of Thames21 and St. Paul’s Academy in Greenwich on March 5th, as 19 bags of rubbish (including separated recyclables), wooden pallets, items of clothing, electrical equipment and over 20 car tyres were removed from the area. Much of the material had been dumped years ago, rather than being contemporary casual littering, so the improvement will be a permanent one now that the By-way is blocked to vehicles and fly-tipping here is no longer so easy.

Chris Rose and Joanna Barton with St. Paul’s Academy pupils pose alongside some of the rubbish collected.
The event, which was timed to contribute to the Great British Spring Clean, was led and supported by T21’s Cray and Marsh Dykes catchment staff Jess Becher and Joanna Barton, Thames Road Wetland Site Manager Chris Rose and the school’s Head of Geography Gordon Davis as part of his ‘outdoor classrooms’ initiative.
Joanna Barton/Chris Rose