The comments by Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve on Cory’s detailed plans for its proposed four storey data centres next to Crossness Local Nature Reserve are reproduced below, along with the personal opinions of Site Manager Karen Sutton (whilst her employer Thames Water is objecting to aspects of the second incinerator scheme, it has not expressed a view on the data centres). These are similar to those submitted by Bexley Natural Environment Foru that were posted a few days ago.
There is significant anger and frustration at Cory’s lack of meaningful consultation with the Friends Group, the failure to provide any adequate ‘mitigation’ for the loss of habitat for species that are nationally, regionally and /or locally rare, the pathetic ‘green wall’ and ‘green roof’ provision, the massive visual impact and the ‘fake views’ in which Cory’s artist’s impressions provide only very misleading images of the finished project. The authors slam much of what is in Cory’s detailed plans as a ‘tick box’ exercise. The authors call upon Bexley to withdraw outline planning permission due to Cory’s failure to meet the Council’s conditions that are supposed to be satisfied before final approval is granted.
I emailed them as well, although not quite as eloquently as Ralph possibly lol…Having taken part in the original “BADAIR” campaign against Cory’s incinerator being built years back, when even Bexley Council were opposed to it! I fear there’s little chance that anyone will be taking any notice this time either….I sincerely hope that I am wrong!