The ‘Bexley Wildlife’ team, a web platform collaboration between Bexley Natural Environment Forum and the Greener Bexley Charity, invites ‘followers’ and other interested people to join us at the first of what we hope will be an ongoing series of social events at which members – and not just the officers – of various local conservation groups and otherwise solo wildlife enthusiasts can get together and compare notes and ideas.
The event will be largely informal, but doors will open at 7 p.m. The venue is Bexley Village Library at the junction of Bourne Road and Albert Road. It is a short walk from Bexley station and on the 229 bus route from the north and south-west of the Borough.

Jonathan Rooks – Chair of the Greener Bexley charity, and co-founder of this web platform – invites you to the first ‘Bexley Wildlife’ social, to be held at Bexley Village library, which is run by the charity.
The format we are going to kick off with will have three or four short powerpoint presentations at intervals, each of 10 or so minutes duration, covering some of the wildlife issues and projects going on around the Borough. This will give a bit of structure to the proceedings, and hopefully leave potential attendees feeling less nervous about showing up and then standing in a corner for hours not knowing anybody.
We will have seating and there are tables available for groups and individuals to display spare newsletters, membership forms and other items of local nature conservation interest.
Light refreshments will be available for purchase from the library cafe, but attendees are welcome to bring their own, including alcoholic beverages. Some of us will probably repair to a local hostelry later on, and people will – of course – be free to come and go as they please. We will try to publicise the approximate times of the various talks in advance so that these can be factored into people’s plans.
We look forward to seeing you there. Feel free to put the word around to anyone you know who may be interested.
Chris Rose, for Bexley Natural Environment Forum and Jonathan Rooks, Greener Bexley Charity (aka the core ‘Bexley Wildlife’ team)
We are avid followers of all the posts made on this site and greatly appreciate the vast amount of work and recording that you do in the borough and the expertise that you share. We look forward to attending. Lou and Brayley