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Campaigners give views on Bexley’s list of 27 open spaces up for the chop.
On Friday (Feb 20) News Shopper revealed Bexley Council had published the list of 27 plots of land up for the chop.
There are only two parks on the current list (West Street Small Park and the eastern half of Old Farm Park, Sidcup) however the council says the decision to sell any land at all has not yet been finalised.
Mandy Stevens, a member of community group Friends of the Shuttle said: “We welcome the publication of the list however it is a pity the council didn’t publish the list with the consultation instead of afterwards.
“The list of sites is not as bad as we feared, nevertheless the sites combined represent a loss of wildlife habitat and local amenities across the borough,
“We are particularly concerned about the largest site, Old Farm Park (the largest site) which is a rich habitat for wildlife and was recommended for inclusion as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.
“We are also very concerned about the sites for disposal near the Shuttle at Berwick Crescent and we have asked the Council if we can see the detailed plans.”
She added “We look forward to seeing the results of the consultation, including how many people responded to it and how this compares with News Shopper’s survey results which were overwhelmingly against any sell off.”
Bexley Natural Environment Forum’s vice chair Chris Rose said: “Any loss of green space will reduce the abundance of plants and animals at a time when even ‘common species are in decline.”

Chris Rose is closely involved with several wildlife and environment groups in the Borough, and can often be found out in the field recording wildlife on and off the beaten track. (Photo: Karen Sutton).
Cabinet member for community safety and leisure Councillor Alex Sawyer said: “Slightly reducing the number of green areas for which we are responsible will allow us to maintain a reasonable level of grounds maintenance, to provide facilities within the parks and a diverse landscape with a range of habitats for biodiversity.
“Any sites that are agreed for disposal will be subject to the normal planning process, through which we will seek to minimise tree loss and ensure appropriate development.”