Bexley ‘Growth Strategy’ claims sustainability but knows no bounds. Suggestions for comments. Deadline (now changed to) Friday 28th July 5p.m.

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 28th JULY – so you might now be able to read it and comment. You don’t have to say something about every aspect, but just the ones that bother you the most. The more people criticise various anti-nature/wildlife proposals the better. 


At 117 pages, if you hadn’t read the ‘Growth Strategy’ already, you probably won’t manage to, let alone write a response, by the deadline for comments (send to  by 5pm Friday 28th July). Here’s a summary of what it’s about, along with some suggestions further down the post for comments you could make if you want to put in a ‘last minute’ submission. It’s mainly about  lots and lots more houses/concrete and ‘grey infrastructure’, with little detail on how the claim of a net increase in biodiversity can result from this, plus repeated misuse of the word ‘sustainable’  There will be further stages in the process, but some opposition/criticism now would help later on. If you haven’t time to look at the longer comments (below), please write in and say that you do not share Bexley’s apparent optimism about boundless resource availability (energy, water, raw materials etc.) and do not believe real sustainability has been taken into account, that you object to a net loss of ground level open  space (public or not), that you object to building on designated Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (including building roads), to more road traffic bridges over the Thames and to the failure to set out a clear and credible vision for nature in Bexley at the heart of this document which instead comprises pages of text dealing mainly with yet more with human ‘demands’.   

[Yes I know it would have been helpful to post this a lot sooner and to have made a better job of  it. Unfortunately I am very much up against the deadline on this myself and have only recently finished analysing the document properly. Sorry!]  


Bexley Council’s new ‘Growth Strategy’ knows no bounds.

Bexley’s existing Core Strategy (Local Development Framework), signed off after public consultation and a formal public hearing as recently as February 2012, agreed that 4,545 new dwellings would be built by 2026, a figure accepted as adequate by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate. This had mushroomed to 22,000 when Bexley first announced its ‘Growth Strategy’ plans in 2014. This latest version expresses a desire to see this initial burst of ‘growth’ drive even more ‘growth’ (page 3), with a jump to 31,500 more by 2047 (para 2.3.4), with substantial new ‘infrastructure’ required to enable and support this. There is absolutely no suggestion anywhere in the document that there should be, or will ever have to be, any upper limit to all this ‘development’ into the future. 

Depending on how you do the calculation (baseline dates used are not standardised) the Council is advocating an increase in the Borough’s population of between 14.4% to 18.5% by around 2036.

We are offered 8 and up to 15 storey blocks, so that parts of the Borough may end up looking like Lewisham around the railway station there suddenly does. Garden-grabbing, something Bexley Council currently opposes, will be given the green light under a policy of ‘densification’. 

Future state of Bexley … Parts of the north of the Borough could look much like the centre of Lewisham now does – albeit with slightly shorter buildings – under Bexley’s ‘densification’ agenda. Even the more suburban areas could end up with 8-storey blocks, implying that ‘garden-grabbing’ will now be supported.

The Council expects a lot of this new housing to be fitted in by rationalisation of existing industrial land. There is an acceptance that land is running out in the plan for ‘transitional’ new parking areas that would then have to be built on, with the hope that car use can be significantly reduced in the meantime. The logic in relation to wider resource limitations  is not pursued.

Wildlife gets very short shrift compared to the mountain of detail about more concrete. There will be a net loss of ground-level open space. Two Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation are slated to have housing built on part of them (east side of Southmere lake and wildlife ‘rough’ in the recreation ground by Slade Green station). Two more on Crayford Marshes are threatened with being sliced through with a new by-pass scheme. There are aspirations for green roofs, but not particularly to replace wildlife habitat, and this ignores Bexley’s inability to enforce its policy for them on certain buildings in certain areas already. The claim that wildlife will be enhanced through the Biodiversity Action Plan is a bit of a joke given  that it’s two years out of date, concentrates on a handful of habitats and species and is not, therefore, a recipe for net biodiversity increase. There are no proposals for a wider set of benchmarks or monitoring to verify (or not) this assertion. Instead we can expect wildlife to be dealt with in a piecemeal fashion at individual planning application meetings, and to keep losing. In short, there is no clear vision for the future of nature in Bexley. To proceed on the basis that this should be dealt with in some tangential document – if at all – and not be at the heart of this one shows how backward Bexley Council’s approach and thinking is.  

The whole ‘strategy’ is part of a bigger plan to build on lots more of the Thames Gateway area, make Bexley part of ‘city of the east’ – because room is running out elsewhere – and to increase the population of London from 8 to 11 million, supported by both Boris Johnson and Sadiq Khan.  

The ‘Growth Strategy’ is a strategy for a mid 2oth century mindset where resources were supposedly unlimited and there would be a techno-fix for everything. On the face of it there are some worthy ‘aspirational’ statements and ambitions here and there about car use, minimising resource use, sustainable urban drainage etc., but fundamentally it is a more more more business-as-usual-plan, lacking the required kind of leadership, that will compound the challenges of an increasingly populated, resource-limited 21st century, rather than helping to seriously start ameliorating them.   


– The Council claims that the massive change from 4,500 to 31,500 proposed new homes is because the ‘low growth’ scenario immediately following  the 2008 ‘crash’ no longer applies and we are in a different situation now. Can it explain why, at the Core Strategy examination in public, Council officers proudly stated that they had, quite simply,  been able to keep new development projections down to what was a reasonable level for the Borough and its character. Why is 31,500 now reasonable?

–  Will the Council confirm that despite occasional reference to ‘new’ open spaces and parks, there will be a net loss of ground level open space and that parts of two designated wildlife sites are slated for building on and two others will be cut across by a by-pass if Council plans come to fruition? How does it square this with its claim that there will be a net increase in biodiversity?

– How will recourse to the Biodiversity Action Plan, which is two years out of date, relatively narrow in focus and has not been reviewed by stakeholders as to outcomes, deliver on the claim that there will be a net increase in biodiversity as a whole?

– Given that this ‘Growth Strategy’ is already proposing building on more key wildlife sites, in addition to several others where it has approved ‘development’ in recent years, how can the Council claim that wildlife has a secure and abundant long-term future in Bexley, particularly less common and habitat specialist species?

– Does Bexley Council agree that that without an adult debate about all sources of population change and how best to address them in a responsible, equitable and consensus-led way, it – or someone else – may well be back in 2025 proposing thousands more new dwellings? In explicitly wishing for boundless ‘development’, isn’t it true that the Council has decided to try and duck out of the awkward questions posed by real-world resource limits, rather than show some leadership and initiate a debate.

– The word ‘sustainable’, is repeatedly used. This should mean living within real world resource constraints and not jeopardising other species and future generations by doing otherwise. Why does the ‘Growth Strategy’ fail to spell out and address the size of the increase in Bexley’s resource consumption footprint that will result from this major proposed increase in population, and the extra downsizing (about 15%) required by existing residents, not just to keep it the same but to deliver the net decreases required by carbon emissions targets, or the UK’s commitment to bring resource consumption within sustainable levels by 2020 (which would mean a two-thirds cut)?  Does the Council abdicate responsibility and think this should be left to the rest of the country or to the future to sort out? 

– The document focuses heavily on buildings, their placement and design. There is no reference to the need to the zero-carbon buildings in order to avoid this ‘growth’ significantly increasing Bexley’s emissions. The existing Core Strategy meekly committed to identifying a site for zero-carbon build. Has that even happened?

– What steps will the Council take to ensure that this new build does not become prey to ‘investors’ seeking assets and not a home? Will the Council seek to prioritise housing models that will keep as much income from rented property circulating within the Borough as possible? 

Bexley Council’s de facto policy for ‘protecting and enhancing biodiversity’ is to cram it into even less space. This Google Earth image shows the part of Crayford Marshes to be lost to a railfreight depot thanks to Bexley Council approval of the plans. Now it wants to cut a by-pass across it as well. 


Chris Rose,  Bexley Natural Environment Forum

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Bexley Council plans by-pass across Crayford Marshes. Proposal buried in 117 page ‘Growth Strategy’. More potential damage to SSSI contender. Relevant to, but not mentioned at railfreight depot planning meeting.

Bexley Council is proposing further major damage to one of the Borough’s best wildlife areas, one that is of London-wide and potentially national importance and has often been mentioned as a potential Site of Special Scientific Interest. Detailed examination of the 117 page ‘Growth Strategy’ (comments to  deadline 5pm Friday 28th July) has revealed a ‘hidden’ Bexley Council plan for a bypass running south-east from the junction of Ray Lamb Way and Wallhouse Road, across the Crayford Marsh Metropolitan Site of Importance for Nature Conservation, Moat Land and then the Crayford Agricultural and Landfill SINC towards the recently approved railfreight depot which itself will destroy a large part of that, and will also be on Green Belt land. It would presumably somehow link to the depot’s proposed bridge over the Cray and thence reach the bottom of Bob Dunn Way (the A206).

The rather unclear map showing this, with an unlabelled ‘arrow’ symbol (the key for which was 15 pages earlier) and text on page 82, were easy to overlook in a hurried read through of the whole publication on a computer screen, and we are grateful to Slade Green Forum member Roy Hillman for bringing this to our attention, as well as for producing the consolidated and much clearer map reproduced below.

Download the PDF file .

The relevant text says:

6.3.61 A range of local transport enhancements will be secured, including: a new segregated public transport route through the area, connecting the station and town centre to adjacent development sites and beyond; junction/interchange improvements which reduce severance and congestion; and, in the longer term, a Slade Green by-pass, which would redirect heavy traffic from the remaining
industrial areas away from Manor Road and directly onto the strategic road network.

This raises a number of issues:

i) It would destroy habitat on a potential SSSI site, which we were told would now be managed for wildlife after the railfreight depot approval, undermining its chances of being so designated, and thus gaining statutory protection

ii) It would destroy further habitat on the Crayford agricultural and landfill SINC, including that of red-listed birds in danger of Bexley and London-level extinction as breeding species, when we were told at the planning meeting that what would be left after the railfreight depot would be enough to protect such species after various  habitat ‘improvements’ 

ii) Why did Bexley Council not mention this plan at the planning meeting? It relates directly to the credibility of claims made by the Biodiversity Officer about net gains for wildlife arising out of the railfreight depot scheme, which are in large part dependent on the extent, quality and protection from further damage of the rest of the ‘Crayford Marshes  area, and his statement that the depot would leave the high quality habitat on the east side of the landfill site – where the road would almost certainly now have to go – and only destroy the ‘poor’ habitat to the west, so could happily be approved from a wildlife point of view.  Since said officer sits in the planning  department, and since said department has been working on the ‘Growth Strategy’ for at least 3 years, this conflict must have been known about at the time of that meeting.

iii) It will fragment what is left of that wider area for wildlife, especially ground-dwelling animals

iv) It further embeds the Crayford Ness Industrial estate which some have said should be removed as part of the general consolidation of industrial land planned by Bexley.  Removal would give back to wildlife a similar amount of land as taken for the railfreight depot, as well as deal with concerns over emergency vehicle access. 

v) Rather than take traffic out of the CNI away from Slade Green and off to the east, a by-pass is just as likely to be used as a faster route to get from Erith to the QE2 bridge or from Dartford to the Proposed Gallions Reach or Belvedere bridges, further increasing traffic on Manor Way next to a housing estate

vi) The ‘Growth Strategy’ has all the buzz terminology about the marshes being a resource for local people, promoting well-being etc. but in reality wants to further slice it up and reduce its remaining wildness with yet more tarmac.

vii) It flies in the face of Dartford Council’s decision to quite reasonably vote against the Cray bridge out of the railfreight depot as being contrary to its conservation policies and, in particular, its ambition to cut traffic pollution and congestion in its Borough

Whilst Bexley says this by-pass is a long term aim, it is generally best to knock these things on the head before they develop any momentum. Please submit an objection to this plan, and sorry for the late notice on our part – putting together a comprehensive response to the Growth Strategy has taken a lot of time.

Chris Rose. Vice-chair, Bexley Natural Environment Forum.  



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Dragonfly and damselfly survey events in Bexley – no previous experience needed to get involved!

As part of its Water for Wildlife programme, London Wildlife Trust is surveying a number of sites from July into September 2017 to record Dragonfly and Damselfly species and numbers . No particular prior knowledge is required to join in. There are surveys on the Cray between Foots Cray Meadows and Thames Road Wetland, along the Shuttle (tbc), at Lesnes Abbey Woods and at sites in Thamesmead. Please contact David Courtneidge as below. Provision of a mobile phone number will enable him to notify late cancellations, since this work is highly weather-dependent.  

Programme of Surveying – July to September 2017

All surveys will start at 11:00 with an approximate end goal of 14:00. The staff member leading the survey may need to cancel a survey if weather is inappropriate, and will text you on the number given. If this is your first survey with us please come 15 minutes earlier to fill out some details. Please bring binoculars or camera, sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. Please can you also bring a packed lunch and water. Please note: Dates with TBC are yet to be fully confirmed, but we are endeavouring to confirm all dates and sites ASAP. All hyperlinks are to indicate the meeting point for the start of the survey.  To book and for further information contact David Courtneidge at or 07834 867422


– Tuesday 11th Crossway Canal Thamesmead to Thamesmead Ecology Park. Meet Thamesmead library.

– Tuesday 18th Birchmere Lake Thamesmead to Tump 53. Meet Thamesmead library, Binsey Walk. 

– Wednesday 19th Foots Cray Meadows to Thames Road Wetlands. Meet FCM visitor centre along track off Rectory Lane.


– Wednesday 2nd Lesnes Abbey Wood. Meet by visitor centre.

– TBC Thursday 10th River Cray and River Shuttle


– Thursday 7th Crossway Canal Thamesmead to Thamesmead Ecology Park Meet Thamesmead library, Binsey Walk. 

– Friday 22nd Birchmere Lake Thamesmead to Tump 53. Meet Thamesmead library, Binsey Walk. 

– Tuesday 26th Foots Cray Meadows to Thames Road Wetlands NR. Meet FCM visitor centre along track off Rectory Lane.

Male Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly. (Photo: Ralph Todd)

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Crossness Nature Reserve – new programme of events announced. Potential new members welcome. Possible first record of Bearded Tit breeding at the site.

Upcoming Crossness Nature Reserve events – enjoy, learn and help manage one of Bexley’s finest wildlife sites. 

This Saturday afternoon (15th July), there is a Kids Go Wild event on the nature reserve, where your children or grandchildren might like to try out pond-dipping, mini-beasting and bird watching from 1-2.30pm. If you can’t make this one, feel free to book onto the midweek Kids Go Wild which takes place during the summer holidays on Wednesday 9th August.

Reserve Manager Karen Sutton at Crossness on a previous children’s event. 

Next week there is a conservation task day whereby we’ll be pulling up Ragwort from some of the horse-grazed paddocks on Crossness Southern Marsh. This is taking place on Wednesday 19th July at 10am, where supplied refreshments will be had in the field after all the hard work.

Then there are a couple of site walks, taking in the southern marshes as well as the reserve. There’s a midweek walk, week after next on Thurs 27th July (lunch provided), and a weekend walk on Saturday 5th August whereby you’d need to bring your own lunch/refreshments. Both of these events start at the slightly later time of 11am and will involve approximately 3 hours of slow, steady walking.

Watching Dragonflies and Damselflies at Crossness (Photo: Karen Sutton)


Some bat/nocturnal walks will also be taking place in Aug (Southmere Lake area) and Sept (Nature Reserve).

It would be great to see you at these events, so do book on if any sound of interest.

Things go a bit quiet on the wildlife front at this time of year, but nevertheless, we’ve had juvenile Bearded Reedlings in the Protected Area reedbed last week, which I’m really hoping is indicative of them having bred here. As you will know from previous communications, we have had Bearded Tits in the reedbeds since last year and the hope was that they would stay and breed, and while we can’t say absolutely categorically that they did breed at Crossness (they could have made their way over from RSPB Rainham), I think the likelihood is pretty high. This is a site first.

We’ve also had Cuckoo on the Southern Marsh for the first time. We are used to seeing them on the nature reserve in the summer, but not on the southern marsh. The warblers are still around and singing away in the reedbeds, and the Swifts are still screaming away during their feeding frenzies.



Ffi/booking – Karen Sutton, Biodiversity Team Manager, 07747 643958,

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Bexley Bird Report for 2016 – 153 species, 13,000 records, 80 contributing observers.

Bexley Wildlife is pleased to be able to publish the latest ‘Bexley Bird Report’ compiled by Ralph Todd, which covers the whole year 2016, as opposed to the previous half-yearly documents.  153 species were seen, 13,000 records were examined and there were 80 contributing observers. Congratulations are due to all concerned. This has  taken a huge amount of time and effort to produce, and Ralph is currently considering whether to do another in 2017, or to concentrate on producing a ‘Birds of Bexley’ publication that will give a historical overview and a more rounded picture of the changing status of the various species.  

The report contains sites, dates and in some cases counts, for all the species listed, and there are a number of photographs, including of the rarer sightings, throughout the report. 

Ralph highlights sites and species that could do with more attention and urges the continued submission of records, not just of rarities by expert birders, but also of commoner species from gardens. People willing to lead a more co-ordinated study of species such as Sparrow, Swift and Skylark in Bexley are sought so that we can better and more accurately discern population trends.    

Some species are not safe in Bexley given the current Council regime’s attitude to nature, and it is hoped that this report, highlighting the wealth of birds in our Borough, will encourage more residents to take an interest in and speak up for their right to continue to live, breed and thrive here. 

Download the PDF file .

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Bexley butterfly species – latest update for first adult sightings of 2017

The latest update from Mike Robinson, listing all butterfly species currently known to be resident or occasional in Bexley, with the dates and locations for when the first adult was seen this year, is available for perusal or download below.

June has thrown up Marbled White sightings at two localities so far, with 3 at Hollyhill OS, where Mike found one in 2015, further raising hopes that this species will be able to colonise our Borough.

The only species yet to be seen are Clouded Yellow (a transient visitor in small numbers most years), Gatekeeper (which should be out very soon) and White-letter Hairstreak (normal flight season is July-August).

It’s worth watching out for the Wall Brown butterfly, extinct in Bexley for perhaps 25 years. It is most likely to turn up, if at all, along the Thames path at Erith (Crossness) or Crayford Marshes. Two were seen at Swanscombe Marshes in May 2016.  

Download the PDF file .


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Recording Stag Beetles this summer

Stag beetle in Sidcup May 2017.

Always important to share records of Stag Beetles with organisations conducting surveys. An important survey at this link:

How we can help Stag Beetles in our gardens.

Download the PDF file .

Link for above pdf. Build-a-log-pile-for-stag-beetles



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Odonata survey training event adds Red-eyed Damselfly to Crossness roster

Some ten plus Red-eyed damselfly (Erythromma najas) seen on the Southern Marsh at Crossness by attendees at the June 3rd Dragonfly and Damselfly identification workshop led by London Wildlife Trust’s David Courtneidge, brings the total number of species recorded at the reserve to 18, two more than the next best site in the Borough which is Foots Cray Meadows with 16.

Male Red-eyed Damselfly at Crossness Southern Marsh, 3/6/17 – a new site record. (Photo: Karen Sutton)

Red-eyed Damselfly has been present in Bexley since at least 2009, and has now been recorded at Danson Park, Lamorbey and FCM, also at Tump 53 in Thamesmead, so its appearance at Crossness was expected, and it may have simply been overlooked to date. The site is probably also the best-placed in the Borough to be colonised by other ‘new’ species now moving up the Thames estuary. 

Four people attended the event, along with David and Reserve Manager Karen Sutton.  It started off at the Thamesmead Football Club at 10:00 with a presentation on key ID features. The group had lunch and made its way to Southern Marsh at 12:30, on what was lovely sunny Saturday.

The survey group in action. (Photo: Karen Sutton)

Six species were recorded:

5+ male Emperor dragonfly (Anax imperator) which were seen patrolling along the lake edges, 2 four spotted chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata), 1 male black tailed skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum), 10+ red-eyed damselfly (Erythromma najas),           20+ blue tailed damselfly (Ischnura elegans) and 50+ azure damselfly (Coenagrion puella). Efforts were concentrated on the Wetland Field and Saline Field water bodies, and all the vegetation in between the two. The Saline Field didn’t turn up any species that we hadn’t already recorded (Emperor dragonflies and Azure and Blue-tailed Damselflies), but the Wetland Field was where the Red-eyed Damselflies and Four-spotted Chasers were seen.

Four-spotted Chaser at Crossness. (Photo: Karen Sutton)

Mating Azure Damselflies, Crossness Southern Marsh. (Photo: Karen Sutton)

David will be doing more surveys in Bexley and it’s not too late to get involved. A survey calendar will be published shortly and anyone is welcome to join in. Meantime contact David at <> if you are interested.

Info for this post provided by David Courtneidge, Karen Sutton and Chris Rose. 

Posted in Bexley, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Erith Marshes, Recording | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Free training available for Dragonfly and Damselfly survey volunteers

The London Wildlife Trust is offering a free Dragonfly and Damselfly identification and ecology workshop at Thamesmead Football Club /Crossness Nature Reserve on Saturday June 3rd, for anyone willing to do a monthly survey at a site, or join LWT’s David Courtneidge on his surveys. The practical session on the marshes will be weather-dependent.  

Everyone attending will need to bring a packed lunch, water and sun cream and binoculars or cameras if they have them. 

Male Broad-bodied Chaser (Photo: Ralph Todd).

Data generated will help assess the health of London’s freshwater habitats. Also, whilst we now know quite a lot about the distribution of things like birds, butterflies and dragonflies and damselflies in Bexley, this is thanks to a pretty small number of dedicated individuals. By getting involved with this project you can add to that local knowledge and start generating the population size and trends information which we are currently lacking. Crossness LNR, Footscray Meadows, Thames Road Wetland, Danson Park, Lamorbey lake, Thamesmead canals and the River Shuttle/Parish Wood park pond  are all sites in the Borough that would benefit from regular monitoring.  

As at 26th May there are still places available – to book please contact David Courtneidge <> /
call 07834 867422 .

For information about Dragonflies and Damselflies in Bexley see:


Download the PDF file .


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Nature history – Bexley conveniently forgets about previous Skylark policy

Over the last year Bexley Council has approved building on two of the three known Skylark nesting sites in the Borough – the only Skylark breeding habitat on Erith Marshes, and on part of the main breeding site at Crayford Marshes – without any reference to its overall conservation status in the area. This is a red-listed species due to a massive 61% decline between 1967 and 2008.  Recent acquisition of a hard copy of Bexley’s 2002 Biodiversity Action Plan reminds us of how the Council’s attitude had changed by the time of the replacement 2010 to 2015 BAP, by which point Skylark had been ditched (though it remains a UK and London BAP species). An objective of looking for ways of expanding the size of Erith Marshes/Crossness Local Nature Reserve had also conveniently vanished from the Council’s policy portfolio ……. 

Bexley Council’s first (2002) Biodiversity Action Plan. It now seems determined to insert the word ‘concrete’ before ‘jungle’.

The Skylark is a prominent feature.

Skylark text.

Back in 2002 it is clear from the document that Bexley Council explicitly sought to increase the amount of Skylark habitat and thus the number of breeding Skylarks in the Borough. It also seems to have wanted the public to take an interest in the bird and to be able to carry on seeing it in Bexley. By 2016 the Biodiversity Officer was absurdly refusing to say – on the grounds it was the subject of a live planning application – whether Core Strategy policy CS18   

c) resisting development that will have a significant impact on the population or conservation status of protected species and priority species as identified in the UK, London and Bexley Biodiversity Action Plans;

meant that as the Skylark was very low in numbers in Bexley and loss of any was now a significant impact, it should be so protected (or did it have to be the case that the last few in the whole UK had to be in Bexley to merit Bexley action?). A generic question to this effect, mentioning no particular species then went unanswered, and a chase-up got the response that ‘we decide these things on a case-by-case basis’. In other words Bexley admits making planning recommendations and decisions affecting wildlife of national conservation concern without reference to or provision of relevant, independent, published data, or the wider context or adherence to clearly defined policy – and therefore in a wholly unaccountable and opaque way.

Meanwhile, Bexley Council’s 2010-2015 Biodiversity Action Plan has expired, and to the best of our knowledge there has been no attempt whatsoever by the Council to talk to stakeholders, including groups and individuals that were helping to implement it, about reviewing progress or updating it or replacing it with some other document and ‘process’. The national biodiversity action plan monitoring website has been taken down and the London Biodiversity Partnership, which in theory drove the wider BAP process across the capital, has fallen apart.  

Some kind of more dynamic ‘Local Biodiversity/Wildlife Partnership’ is needed to pick up the pieces. 


Chris Rose

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