Southern Migrant Hawker John Archer Aug 2019

Southern Migrant Hawker Dragonfly . I reported previously that the rare migrant Southern Migrant Hawker was recorded with 95% certainty on 18th July from the bird hide, but no photographic evidence was available at that time. Since then, two very reliable recorders have seen Southern Migrant Hawker (SMH) at the old Thamesview Golf Centre, immediately west of Crossness. I attach photos of the SMH from 11th August taken by John Archer and shared with kind permission, and a great comparison shot of the Migrant Hawker, taken by Ian Stewart and used with kind permission.

For identification, note the all-blue eyes of the male SMH, along with the blue and black abdomen, and the blue triangle on segment 2 vs the yellow ‘golf-tee’ on segment 2 of the MH. Also note the short yellow ante-humerals that are on the thorax of the MH, as well as the brown leading wing vein (known as the costa). These are really useful comparison photos, and I thank both photographers for providing.

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