This revised and updated guide to the 29 species of butterfly known to be resident in, or that have recently visited, the London Borough of Bexley, includes details of their conservation status, a guide to the kinds of habitats in which they are most likely to be found, named locations at which the less frequent ones may be seen and photographs of selected species.
Since the 4th edition published in May 2016, White Admiral has been unequivocally confirmed as a denizen of Bexley, with one of the sightings suggesting that an ‘unverified’ record from 2003 was almost certainly correct. A fourth Marbled White has been seen and photographed, but the hoped for larger influx and an indication of the commencement of a sustained colonisation has yet to be detected. There are new site records for Brown Argus, Green Hairstreak and Small Heath. Notably, the 2016 season was an above-average one for numbers of the Clouded Yellow in the Borough, with 12 seen across five different locations.
Compiled by Chris Rose with additional Bexley records and photographs from John Archer, Steve Carter, Joe Johnson, Mike Robinson, Purnendu Roy, Ian Stewart, Karen Sutton, Ralph Todd and Donna Zimmer, the document comprises an illustrated cover and 15 pages of text and images. It can be read online below, or downloaded as a pdf file.