Here’s the latest 6 month round-up of bird sightings and numbers across Bexley, for the period July to December 2015, compiled by Ralph Todd. Thanks to him for another huge and valuable piece of work, and to all those who contributed data. However, this is a very small band of individuals compared to the apparent numbers of people in the Borough interested in our avifauna. We strongly encourage more folk to submit information, as it all builds up to give us a more accurate ‘big picture’. For details of how to get involved, please read the first section of the report.
Red Kite, Avocet, Common Scoter, Goosander and Wryneck have been amongst the highlights in the latter half of the year, but the report also reveals that we still need some very basic work done on numbers, nesting and roosting locations of species such as Swift, House Martin and House Sparrow and counts of Gulls on inland parks and sports pitches, things that do not require a vast amount of birding expertise ………