Purnendu Roy reports that he saw the following species at East Wickham Open Space, north west of Welling town centre, on the way to the Rosemary Road allotments this week:
Small Skipper, Essex Skipper, Large Skipper
Green-veined White, Small White
Brown Argus, Holly Blue
Peacock, Comma
Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet

Brown Argus at East Wickham OS. The black veining extending into the white wing margin is a diagnostic feature. (Photo: Purnendu Roy)
He said “There was a very good quantity of Gatekeepers and Small/Essex skippers flying though the Skippers are getting quite worn now. Meadow Browns were also quite common. For the remaining species only a few or one were seen. There was also one Hummingbird Hawkmoth seen and a day flying moth typical of dry grasslands, the Dusky Sallow.