A beautiful Autumn morning in Bexley Woods was the setting for Friends of the Shuttle’s latest river clean. We managed to clear several significant in-stream blockages, mostly caused by large fallen tree branches trapping smaller twigs, leaves and rubbish. The legacy of Hurricane Gonzalo? We were unsuccessful in our attempt to remove a child’s bike very firmly sunk into the river bed but will be returning with shovels! 4 volunteers also collected 4 bags of rubbish, 4 bags of recyclables and several lengths of plastic guttering.

Friends of the Shuttle team members clearing litter from the river in Bexley Woods. (Photo: Jane Stout)
It was lovely to see the new bird-boxes put up last week in preparation for next year’s breeding season. Bexley Woods, always a beautiful place for a walk, nature-watch or simple contemplation, is looking particularly beautiful at the moment with the leaves tumbling from the trees and is well worth a visit. The next FotS event will be on Thursday 6th November. Details to follow. Existing and new volunteers welcome. To register your interest please email fots-thames21@hotmail.co.uk.
Jane Stout