From Karen Sutton – Biodiversity Team Manager, Thames Water Crossness Nature Reserve.
I have arranged a diverse series of events through to September, both to showcase the fabulous range of wildlife on the site, and to provide an introduction to identifying various species for those that wish to develop or refresh their knowledge. All are welcome. You do not have to be a member of Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve to come along (though you’ll be invited to join!). Please be aware that the ground is uneven in places and may be muddy if it rains.
For those events requiring prior booking, or for more info., please contact me at: Tel: 07747 643958 / Email: You can just show up at most events, but if I have prior notice of numbers I can plan the refreshments accordingly!

Karen Sutton, Biodiversity Team Manager at Thames Water and Crossness Reserve Manager invites you to a variety of wildlife events at the site this summer.
Besides the sessions listed below, I am hoping to arrange a moth trapping evening. If this is enticing, please register your interest by phone or email and I’ll contact you once we have further details.
Weds 20th May, 10:00 – 14:00
CROSSNESS WILDFLOWER WALK – A wildflower identification event led by Tony Wileman of London Wildlife Trust. If you would like to improve your botanical skills, this one is for you. Don’t forget your flora key if you have one. Refreshments provided.
10am at the entrance to the Protected Area.
The Norman Road gate (DA17 6JY) will be open and vehicle access permitted
Fri 29th May, 10:00 – 14:00
BIRD SONGS AND CALLS WITH DOMINIC COUZENS– Learn how to identify birds by their song and calls; the all important prerequisite for breeding bird surveys. We have been very fortunate to secure the renowned Dominic Couzens for this event. He is the author of many bird books that are no doubt on your shelf, and I’m hoping that he’ll bring a few more with him to add to your collections. Don’t forget your binoculars! Refreshments provided
10am at the entrance to the Protected Area.
The Norman Road gates (DA17 6JY) will be open and vehicle access permitted
Fri 19th Jun, 10:00 – 14:00
DRAGONFLY AND DAMSELFLY IDENTIFICATION– Join us for a dragonfly and damselfly walk with Tony Canning of the London Wildlife Trust, who will be helping us determine those key identification features. Refreshments provided.
10am at the entrance to the Protected Area.
The Norman Road gate (DA17 6JY) will be open and vehicle access permitted
Sat 4th July, 10.15 – 16:00
LNHS ECOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY DAY– The entomological experts of the London Natural History Society are making a return visit to Crossness, this time to see what invertebrates frequent the Southern Marsh. These people know their stuff and it is a great opportunity to learn from them and to get a comprehensive species list. The LNHS are meeting at Belvedere Station at 10.30am and walking to the east end of Southern Marsh. I suggest that other attendees meet me at 10.15 at the other end, on Belvedere Road, and we’ll walk across the marshes and meet them. This is quite a long event and not everybody will be able to stay till the end, so if you park on Belvedere Road or in the Southmere Car Park, people are then free to leave whenever they are ready without having to wait for gates to be unlocked. Refreshments provided
10:15am at the vehicle entrance to Crossness Southern Marsh (palisade gates, under the red flyover on the left-hand/east side of Belvedere Road, Abbey Wood, SE2 9AQ). Parking available on Belvedere Road or in the Southmere Lake/ Lakeside Complex car park off Belvedere Road
Weds 15th July, 10:00 – 14:00
BUTTERFLY WALK– Peter Riley from Butterfly Conservation (Kent Branch) will lead this event, showing us how to idenfity the numerous butterflies and caterpillars present at Crossness. Refreshments provided.
10am at the entrance to the Protected Area.
The Norman Road gate (DA17 6JY) will be open and vehicle access permitted
Fri 14th Aug, 20:15 – 22:30
BAT WALK– A walk round Southmere Lake and Crossness Southern Marsh, south of Eastern Way, identifying bat species with the use of bat detectors. Daubenton’s bats will be putting on a show over the lake, and Pipistrelle bats – and hopefully other species – will be hunting over the marshes. Feel free to bring children along. Bring a torch if you have one and you might want to wear some insect repellent. Sorry, there are no refreshments provided for this event
Meet 20:15 at the Southmere Lake/ Lakeside Complex car park off Belvedere Road (SE2 9AQ)
Fri 11th Sept, 19:00 – 21:00
BAT WALK– A nocturnal walk around the nature reserve north of Eastern Way after sunset, identifying bat species with the use of bat detectors. Hopefully we’ll see some other nocturnal species too. Bring a torch if you have one, and you might wish to wear some insect repellent.
Sorry, there are no refreshments provided for this event
19:00 at the entrance to the Protected Area.
The Norman Road gate (DA17 6JY) will be open and vehicle access permitted

New Southern Marsh pool and boardwalk, with Crossness works wind turbine beyond. (Photo: Chris Rose)
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