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Old Manor Way campaigners to meet with Council

The most recent posts on the Facebook page of Save Old Manor Way Playground shows that their campaigning is getting the notice of the local Councillors and local MP. A lesson for all of us campaigning to save Bexley’s parks. … Continue reading

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Don’t feed the ducks bread!

According to the Canal and River Trust, we’ve been feeding ducks junk food for decades. They estimate that each year six million loaves – equal to the size of 20 double decker buses – are thrown into canals and rivers in … Continue reading

Posted in Hall Place, Lamorbey, Parks, Rivers | Leave a comment

Save Old Manor Way Park – event this Saturday

Save Old Manor Way playground have an event this Saturday. This is their Facebook post. Note the attendance of the local Conservative MP who originally washed his hands of the issue. The protests by a number of groups are making … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks | 3 Comments

Petitions to save Bexley Parks at

As opposition to the Conservatives plans to sell off public parks, there are now two petitions at asking the Council not to sell any of our green spaces. One petition is sponsored by the Green Party: The other … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks | Leave a comment

Joydens Wood. Woodlands Trust call for photos of unofficial tree felling

Following notification to us about tree felling to deliberately block paths in Joydens Wood, site managers the Woodlands Trust have asked our readers for photos or map locations so they can investigate further.   A local resident informed us. “Joydens … Continue reading

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Barnehurst Conservatives won’t campaign to save park but will “push the case for a replacement”.

Local residents are receiving a letter from their local Conservative Councillors. As with their local Conservative MP, no commitment to campaign to save the park, but some ‘pushing for a replacement’. This response from a local resident says it all … Continue reading

Posted in Barnehurst, Open spaces, Parks, Planning | Leave a comment

‘Consultation’ on Manor Way sell-off.

Just posted on the Save Old Manor Way Playground Facebook page. **** Some of you may have already seen this, but I will post it just to make sure word is spread to everyone! This is a message sent … Continue reading

Posted in Barnehurst, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks, Planning | Leave a comment

Online petitions against the parks sell off.

There are a couple of petitions now available online against the sale of Old Farm Park and Manor Way Playground here:

Posted in Land sales, Open spaces, Parks | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Conservative MP ducks issue in response to park campaigners.

Old Manor Way Park campaigners are disappointed to receive a letter from their local Conservative MP which indicates he is not interested in going against Conservative Bexley Council to save park for his constituents. David Evenett’s letter has upset many … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Parks, Planning | Leave a comment

Volunteer’s letter to local press on parks sell off

Letter to the editor: Like hundreds, probably thousands, of others I am appalled that Bexley Council is even considering the sell-off of 27 of its open spaces. For almost 20 years, I and many other volunteers have worked to help … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, News Shopper, Open spaces, Parks | Leave a comment