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FOI request reveals a £10 m valuation on sale of parks.

A Freedom of Information request by Caroline Ellis has revealed the Council expect tom gain £10 million by selling off parks. *** Following your alerting us to the proposed disposal of park and open spaces, I put in a Freedom … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks | Tagged | 2 Comments

Campaigners give views on Bexley’s list of 27 open spaces up for the chop

Coverage in This is Local London. Campaigners give views on Bexley’s list of 27 open spaces up for the chop. On Friday (Feb 20) News Shopper revealed Bexley Council had published the list of 27 plots of land up for the … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Land sales, Parks, Planning, River Shuttle | Leave a comment

New Housing Zone on Thamesmead ‘brownfield site’

More homes in Bexley. There’s ‘brownfield’ and ‘brownfield’. Some brownfield sites are important wildlife areas. What’s on the site at the moment? Do you think Public Open Space will be incorporated into the development at the same time as Bexley … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, brownfield, Thamesmead | Leave a comment

Comments made on Council Budget Consultation

The Council’s second consultation on its budget proposals closes today. A good number of our friends have made comments. Here are mine related to the parks sell off. 7. Grounds maintenance: Bring forward 2016/17 saving of an extra £113,000 to … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Budget, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks | Leave a comment

Weather and Climate report for December 2014

Latest Prime Meridian newsletter covering weather and climate, globally and locally, for December 2014 and annual review. 2014 has been cited by the UK’s Met Office as the warmest year in Britain since 1659. The Met Office reported that with the exception … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, Weather | Leave a comment

Former Mayor tells Bexley Wildlife that Danson Park not on Conservatives’ ‘Parks for Sale’ list

Commenting on one of our Facebook posts, Conservative Councillor and former Mayor Sharon Massey accused campaigners of scaremongering for having their photos taken in Danson Park and revealed that Danson is not one of the 27 public open spaces to … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Land sales, Parks, Planning | 3 Comments

Danson Park bird records for January 2015

Our regular update from John Turner from his weekly visits to Danson Park. Interesting to note the small numbers of ring-necked parakeets in his day time observations now that Danson is becoming a regular night time roost for around 2,000 … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Ring-necked Parakeet | Leave a comment

Do you subscribe to Bexley Bulletin?

It seems these days that we have to keep a very close eye on the activities of Bexley Council – consultations, planning applications affecting important wildlife sites etc. The best way is probably to follow the Council’s weekly Bexley Bulletin. … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Consultations, Planning | Leave a comment

Mass litter pick Danson Park

Posted in Parks, River Shuttle, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Is failure to replant street trees damaging local property values?

TREES IN BEXLEY. David Webb comments on Bexley Council’s cut backs in street tree planting.  *** photo: During the summer of 2014 some trees along Berkeley Avenue were removed due to safety and disease reasons. These trees will not be … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Trees | 2 Comments