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Local Wildlife Sites under threat nationally.

A report by the Wildlife Trusts nationally warns that Local Wildlife Sites not protected by statute are being ruined by development. A 10th damaged or lost in the last five years. Identified as crucial in their own right or as … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Open spaces, Planning | Leave a comment

Danson bird records November 2014

Mediterranean Gull rare record for Danson Park.   05/11/2014 12/11/2014 24/28/11/2014 a.m. a.m. p.m. Great-crested Grebe 3 3 1 Little Grebe 4 4 2 Cormorant 4 4 5 Heron 4 4 1 Little Egret Mute Swan 5 5 5 Canada … Continue reading

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Lesnes Abbey project latest newsletter

This is the online newsletter distributed by the project team and includes a link to an online magazine about the project at  ********* Dig, Demolish, Deliver  Lights are out, services switched off and the archaeologist is standing by as both … Continue reading

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Weather reports for September and October 2014

Is the climate juggernaut unstoppable? The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has laid out disturbing predictions for climate change during this Century. “Human influence on the climate system is clear, and recent anthropogenic* emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest … Continue reading

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Bexley Council asks residents to sponsor trees

Street trees are shown to have positive impacts on health, wildlife and property values. Unfortunately many trees planted by the council fail. It is reported that the Council will plant trees when they are ‘sponsored’. Hopefully this is in addition … Continue reading

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Identifying sparrows

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) has produced a handy little video to help identify British sparrows and sparrow like birds. Distinguish between House Sparrows, Tree Sparrows and similar looking birds. Additional information and call guides are at the website,2XFPA,H7T58M,AKQU2,1

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Campaign for an Act to protect nature.

The RSPB together with the 47 Wildlife Trusts  have produced a document that is an initial discussion of the proposal that as we depend upon the natural world, this should be recognised in law. The Nature and Welfare Act is being … Continue reading

Posted in Parks, Planning, Sustainability | 1 Comment

Even small scale tree felling can disrupt bat populations

A five year study into bat behavior in an Oxfordshire wood reveals how bats regularly move roost sites every few days. The study confirmed that bats “move house” every few days, but usually to another roost site nearby. Dr Fiona … Continue reading

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Thames21 celebrates 10th anniversay

Thames21 who lead on a number of river conservation projects in the Borough have released a film to mark their 10th anniversary.

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Climate report for September 2014

Latest Prime Meridian newsletter covering weather and climate, globally and locally, for September 2014. Latest Prime Meridian newsletter covering weather and climate, globally and locally, for September 2014.  This issue pays particular attention to the failure to keep global temperature rises below … Continue reading

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