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938 Seals in the Thames

The Zoological Society of London’s annual seal count has found 489 Harbour (Common) Seals and 449 Grey Seals in the Thames Estuary. A survey is done every August to monitor seal populations. A short film on this year’s survey is … Continue reading

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August records from Danson Park

Augusts’s records of wildlife sightings in Danson Park from John Turner. We are always pleased to receive records of observations. Email to We keep copies of reports in a cloud folder at Danson Park August 2014 01/08/2014 07/08/2014 18/08/2014 … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Dragonflies and Damselflies | 1 Comment

Norman Road planning decision.

Recently received the letter from the Council confirming the decision to allow the development at the former site in Norman Road, Belvedere. A number of us made objections to the planning application (see previous posts) and were disapointed that the … Continue reading

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Boris Island airport rejection

Local birdwatchers and RSPB members are delighted at the rejection of the ‘Boris Island’ Airport proposals by the Airports Commission. Welcoming the rejection of the Thames Estuary Airport at Cliffe, the RSPB have said. “Common sense has prevailed as the … Continue reading

Posted in Planning, RSPB, Sustainability | Leave a comment

How to respond to Bexley Council’s Budget proposals.

Bexley Council are running a consultation until Sunday 14th September on residents’ views of their further budget cuts. This gives us one more week to make our views known on potential impacts on parks, open spaces and wildlife … and … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Consultations, Planning | Leave a comment

Crossness reserve reopens as Travellers move on.

Crossness Nature Reserve had to close over the Bank Holiday weekend because of tresspassers. Karen Sutton, Reserve Manager writes on the aftermath. I am pleased to report that the travellers have now been moved on and access to the Protected … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve | Leave a comment

Weather report June 2014

World’s hottest May followed by world’s hottest June. Latest Prime Meridian newsletter covering weather and climate, globally and locally, for June 2014. Prime Meridian is published as part the outreach programme of the Ecospheres Project – Earth Campaign. It may be copied … Continue reading

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Canal clearing in Thamesmead 30th August

An opportunity to help with litter picking around the canals of Thamesmead. In response to resident consultation in Thamesmead regarding litter in the waterways Brick Box are including canal clearing in their event on August 30th. The event will take place at The … Continue reading

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Support the London National Park

An interesting campaign to turn London into a National Park. A plan that would give the sites of importance for nature in London greater protection. Perhaps that would make Bexley Council take more account of the importance of sites for wildlife … Continue reading

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London Wildlife Trust comments on the London Infrastructure Plan

Interesting comments from the London Wildlife Trust on the Mayor’s London Infrastructure Plan. It would be good if it does mean more protection for green spaces, yet at the moment Bexley Council is planning to build on a large Site … Continue reading

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