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New EU faming policy to make agriculture worse for the environment

There are not a lot of farms in Bexley, but the EU Agricultural Policy certainly affects farming in the region. With 360 billion Euros of subsidies paid each year, EU policy affects a vast area with its emphasis on intensive … Continue reading

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Danson Park records for April 2014

Keeping notes of what you see, where and when is important in hleping build up a picture of the wildlife in Bexley – and in particular how it might be changing over time. John Turner has been keeping records of … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Recording, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Wildlife Photo Exhibition Avery Hill

An interesting exhibition of wildlife photographs in the Avery Hill Winter Gardens (just into Eltham) by Bexley resident and Crossness nature Reserve member Richard Winston. Photos include local ones as well as international. The exhibition is on from Sunday 8th … Continue reading

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March weather globally and locally

Global climate; March, 2014. No records broken, but this March was amongst the warmest on record. Prime Meridian is published as part the outreach programme of the Ecospheres Project – Earth Campaign.

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Crossness Cuckoo makes local press

The calling Cuckoo reported at Crossness by a number of BexleyWildlife readers has now been photographed and appears in this week’s News Shopper.

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Keats Community Farm hits funding target.

Pleased to report tha the Keats Community Farm project in Welling has exceeded its £10,000 funding target on with three days left to go. I look forward to seeing Jack, Ed and Chrissy’s project flourish. Jonathan

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Norman Road Planning application to be considered on Thursday

Dear Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve, This Thursday (May 15th) sees the Planning Committee meeting taking place during which a decision will be taken regarding the application to build 3 industrial units on the former electricity substation site on Norman … Continue reading

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Identifying Hawthorns

Very useful video on identifying Hawthorn species from the Kent Botanical Recording Group.

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Are native plants best?

Well I was certainly ‘brought up’ on the notion that native wildflowers and trees were better for wildlife. Remember those illustrations of trees that showed the myriads of species dependent upon our native flora and the much smaller numbers supported … Continue reading

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Advance notice of RSPB indoor meetings from September

Indoor Meetings September 2014 to June 2015 These are held in Hurstmere School, Hurst Road, Sidcup beginning at 7.45pm. There is plenty of car parking space and the 229 bus passes along the road. Doors usually open around 7.15pm and there … Continue reading

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