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Bumblebees out early

David Rea of Ruxley Beekeepers reports that he and a colleague were called to a primary school where a colony of buff tail bumbles is in full operation, in a flower bed right in the middle of the reception class playground. … Continue reading

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Most exceptional winter for 248 years.

Latest issue of Prime Meridian, a newsletter covering weather and environment in the south-east reveals the extent of the extreme weather this past winter and the links to climate change. London is very dependent for protection on the Thames Barrier, … Continue reading

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EU to agree on legislation on Invasive Species?

We have plenty of problems with invasive plants in Bexley, Himalayan Balsam, Japanese Knotweed and some wetland species. Umbrella conservation group Birdlife report on how the EU law to address Invasive Alien Species is high on the policy agenda in … Continue reading

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Zero Carbon Britain event 9th April

A regular discussion I have with people is about how we can actually change the way we live (without knitting our own muesli!) and reduce if not eliminate carbon emissions. ‘Zero Carbon Britain: Rethinking the Future’ is the flagship research … Continue reading

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Amphibians, reptiles and butterflies seen in first warm weekend

Amphibians are turning up in ponds now and withy the warm weekend 8/9th March there should now be a lot of activity. There is a good amount of Frog spawn in my pond. There are three newts in the Borough, … Continue reading

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London Marsh Frog Survey

The London Amphibian and Reptile Group (LARG) has obtained permission to survey the ponds at various central London parks for Marsh Frogs. Although not in Bexley, local conservationists might be interested in getting involved Weekends, meeting at the park location … Continue reading

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National survey on attitudes to reptiles and amphibians.

We love them! National charity Froglife has a survey finishing next week sking for people’s attitudes towards reptiles and amphibians. The survey is coming to an end on the 14th of March.  They are asking people what they think about snakes, … Continue reading

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Lesnes Abbey volunteering programme 2014

All LACV events are free to attend The events start behind the information centre near Lesnes Abbey at noon, finishing about 3:30pm. All ages & abilities are welcome, to find out more about free Lesnes Abbey Conservation events phone 02083103033 … Continue reading

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Bird report June to December 2013

Latest Birds in Bexley report, covering June 2013 to December 2013 compiled by Ralph Todd in our Birds in Bexley page at

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Garden Wildlife Health project

Garden Wildlife Health moves in to its second year – a citizen science project, GWH is monitoring the health of British garden wildlife. It investigates infectious diseases as well as toxicity, trauma and predation. How you can help: – if you … Continue reading

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