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Spring migration at Crossness and birdwalk 24th April

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve | Leave a comment

Will Bexley council compensate local residents for fall in their property values?

With Government and Mayor of London research demonstrating a 5-7% premium for properties adjacent to parks, local residents will be facing a fall in their property values when Bexley’s Conservatives build on our parks. What will Bexley Council do about … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Land sales, Parks | Leave a comment

Floating Pennywort removal at Sidcup Golf Club

A good sized team of around 30 from a selection of groups, including Sidcup Golf Club, Thames21 and North West Kent Countryside Partnership, turned up to the  event this morning for invasive plant removal, organised and led by Friends of … Continue reading

Posted in Friends of the Shuttle, River Shuttle, Sidcup Golf Course, Thames21 | Leave a comment

Danson Park February 2016 sightings

Sightings from John Turner. We are always pleased to receive bird reports.

Posted in Bird watching, Danson Park | Leave a comment

Pennywort removal at Sidcup Golf Club – your help needed.

Dear Volunteers,   Some of you may have attended our first event at Sidcup Golf Club last year but for those of you that didn’t, here is a little background.   Floating Pennywort is a highly invasive non-native species and it is growing in … Continue reading

Posted in River Shuttle, Sidcup Golf Course | Leave a comment

Friends of The Shuttle conservation programme 2016

Keep an eye on our Calendar page and Facebook postings for updates throughout the year. FOTs programme 2016

Posted in Friends of the Shuttle, Rivers | Leave a comment

Sidcup Garden Project newsletter January 2016

Sarah Witney tells us that the next session is this Saturday, 13th Feb at 10am. Location is the Rose Garden, Sidcup Place.

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December 15, the warmest year ever globally.

“An exceptional and record breaking month”, Met Office. Other reports for previous months available at:

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Buzzards and Red Kites

With both Buzzards and Red Kites having been seen around the Hall Place area in the last few days, Joe Johnson describes the differences. Species spotlight – Common buzzard & red kite Joe 

Posted in Bird watching, Hall Place | 3 Comments

Bird reports Danson Park, January 2016.

Latest report from our regular contributor, John Turner. 01/06/2016 15/01/16 20/01/16 28/01/16 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. sunny Great-crested Grebe 3 1 3 2 Little Grebe 1 2 2 Cormorant 8 9 6 5 Heron 3 3 3 2 Mute Swan … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Danson Park | Leave a comment