Category Archives: Bexley

Some plants of Gatton’s Plantation, 23rd July 2016

Gatton’s Plantation is an oblong piece of woodland lying to the east side of Cocksure Lane (from which access can be gained through a wooden gate) and the north side of Parsonage Lane. It is separated by a narrow strip … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Butterflies, Plants in Bexley, Recording | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

White Admiral butterfly confirmed as Bexley resident

The White Admiral (Limenitis camilla), a very uncommon species in London, with reports from only 3 sites as recently as 2014, has this week been confirmed as present in the Borough of Bexley.  Previous reports from Joyden’s Wood and nearby … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Butterflies, Joydens Wood | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More Bexley Swift nesting sites identified

According to the latest London Bird report (2014) Swifts have declined by 56% in London between 1995 to 2013. Modern building design and renovations that deny them access to roofs for breeding are thought to be a factor. Few breeding/nesting … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Recording, Swift | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Spotlight falls on …… some of Bexley’s non-native species

The latest in Joe Johnson’s ‘Spotlight’ series takes a look at a selection of non-native animals and plants in Bexley, with a view to covering more such species in future editions. Some of these you may well have heard of, … Continue reading

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London Bird Report 2014 provides useful data on Bexley’s species of conservation concern

The London Natural History Society’s team behind the annual London Bird Reports have been doing a grand job of catching up with themselves after things had fallen a few years adrift, and have recently mailed out the 2014 edition, which … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Recording | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rarer plants of Bexley: photos of Crosswort (Cruciata laevipes) and Yellow Vetchling (Lathyrus aphaca)

Mike Robinson photographed a couple of uncommon Bexley plants at Upper College Farm on May 26th. Crosswort is in the Bedstraw family and at the time of the 1983 Atlas of London flora was mainly to be found on the … Continue reading

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LWT Water for Wildlife Project Officer visits Thames Road Wetland and Crossness

David Courtneidge, Water for Wildlife Project Officer (South) for London Wildlife Trust came to Bexley on May 20th. He is visiting wetland sites across south London with a mission to select an initial three to focus on for training/recording and habitat improvement events, with … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Crossness Nature Reserve, Dragonflies and Damselflies, London Wildlife Trust, Thames Road Wetland | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The big Bexley butterfly questions for 2016

There is plenty of scope for and pleasure to be gained from watching and photographing butterflies in the Borough over the forthcoming months, but on the basis of recent records, here are some suggestions for targeted work to increase our … Continue reading

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Lizard species in Bexley – there could be one in your garden, or both on your allotment site ….

With Bexley one of the three best Boroughs in London for our declining reptile species, but the Council repeatedly approving building on their prime habitats – all the while making lazy, complacent and unsubstantiated claims that their populations will not … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Council, Common Lizard, development threat, Reptiles and Amphibians, Slow Worm | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Swifts back over Barnehurst

There were thirteen or fourteen Swifts back at their usual haunt over Northall Road yesterday evening (May 4th), between Barnehurst railway station and the golf course. This is a known breeding area. The ‘Bexley Wildlife’ team and Bexley Bird Report … Continue reading

Posted in Barnehurst, Bexley, Bexleyheath, Danson Park, Hall Place, Hall Place North, Recording, Sidcup, Swift | Tagged , | 5 Comments