Category Archives: Bexley

81 bird species recorded in Bexley on October 2nd

Sightings by Ian Stewart and Eric Brown, noted on the London Bird Club wiki, reveal a wealth of avifauna across the Borough’s open spaces as a one-day total of 81 bird species is achieved. How much higher might the 24 … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Crayford Marshes, Danson Park, Foots Cray Meadows, Lamorbey, Raptors, Recording, River Cray | Leave a comment

Bexley RSPB: programme of local bird walks

The Bexley group of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is by far and away the largest wildlife/nature group in the Borough, so encouraging its members and other local residents to take a keener interest in the value … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Woods, Bird watching, Crayford Rough, Crossness, Danson Park, Foots Cray Meadows, Migration, River Cray, River Shuttle, RSPB | Leave a comment

Next ‘Bexley Wildlife’ social to be held Wednesday October 14th

After the success of our first event, the ‘Bexley Wildlife’ team (a web platform collaboration between Bexley Natural Environment Forum and the Greener Bexley Charity) are pleased to invite ‘followers’ and other interested people to join us at another social … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Wildlife social events, BNEF | Leave a comment

Last chance to save the parks?

Last chance to object to park sell off if you haven’t already. What I said. Jonathan Rooks. I put this same comment in all four boxes (each site) as none of them should be sold off. I object. Public … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Land sales, Old Farm Park, Parks | Leave a comment

Ralph Todd’s Bexley Bird Report for January – June 2015 published

This latest edition of Ralph’s invaluable six monthly Bexley bird reports, covering the period January – June 2015, is now available, having been delayed whilst he works on the massive job – with volunteer assistance – of digitising older Bexley bird … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Woods, Bird watching, Braeburn Park, Crossness, Danson Park, Erith Marshes, Foots Cray Meadows, Migration, Raptors, Recording, River Thames, Thames Road Wetland | Leave a comment

26 enjoy first ‘Bexley Wildlife’ social event

Twenty six people from a wide variety of conservation groups across Bexley (and beyond) came to our first social event at Bexley library last night (August 18th). Whilst something of an experiment, with the aim of mixing a ‘networking’ opportunity … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Wildlife social events, BNEF, Cray Riverkeepers, Crossness Nature Reserve, Environment, Erith Marshes, Foots Cray Meadows, Friends of the Shuttle, Keats Community Farm, Lesnes Abbey Woods, Old Farm Park, River Cray, River Shuttle, Ruxley Gravel Pits, Save Our Green Spaces Campaign, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Ralph smashes Jersey Tiger record

Twenty nine Jersey Tigers in garden near The Warren, Bexleyheath (and a Painted Lady ….) Ralph Todd writes: Last evening (Saturday August 15th) I decided to put my moth trap out for the first time this year given overcast conditions and … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexleyheath, Butterflies | 7 Comments

‘Bexley Wildlife’ social, August 18th: reminder and ‘programme’

The ‘Bexley Wildlife’ team, a web platform collaboration between Bexley Natural Environment Forum and the Greener Bexley Charity, invites ‘followers’ and other interested people to join us at a social event on Tuesday August 18th from 7p.m. at Bexley Village … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Wildlife social events, BNEF, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Environment, Erith Marshes, Foots Cray Meadows, River Cray, Thames21 | Leave a comment

Elusive White-letter Hairstreak photographed at Footscray Meadows

Novice Lepidopterist Mike Robinson continues to ‘tick off’ the butterflies of Bexley with his camera. On July 22nd he was lucky enough to spot this White-letter Hairstreak (Satyrium w-album) feeding on a Creeping Thistle head. This is one of the … Continue reading

Posted in Barnehurst, Barnehurst Golf Course, Bexley, Bexley Council, Bexleyheath, Bursted Woods, Butterflies, Foots Cray Meadows, Lamorbey | Leave a comment

More Crossness butterfly and moth marvels from Mike …….

Clouded Yellow, Painted Lady pictured at Crossness Mike Robinson has been out and about photographing butterflies and day-flying moths across the Borough lately, but spends much of his time at Crossness on Erith Marshes. Here are a selection of his … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Butterflies, Crossness, Erith Marshes, Recording | Leave a comment