Category Archives: Bexley

For the sake of Slow Worms, be careful with your compost heap!

For some years now there have been Slow Worms (Anguis fragilis) in my Barnehurst garden , and at some point one or more (the most was 5 at once) turn up in one of the compost heaps. Indeed there were … Continue reading

Posted in Allotments, Barnehurst, Bexley, Biodiversity Action Plan, Common Lizard, Gardening for wildlife, Gardens, Open spaces, Recording, Reptiles and Amphibians, Slow Worm | 2 Comments

Crossness Kestrels star on Newsshopper website

The pair of Kestrels breeding at Crossness, which recently featured on ‘BW’, have now made it onto the News Shopper website, complete with further fabulous photos taken by Richard Spink, following some media work by Site Manager Karen Sutton. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Crossness Nature Reserve, Raptors | Leave a comment

Bexley butterfly bonanza – Marbled White and White Admiral boost Borough list on same day

24th June was a great day for local butterfly enthusiasts as Mike Robinson came across a Marbled White (Melanargia galathea) at Hollyhill Open Space off Brook Street in Erith, only days after we had discussed keeping an eye open for it … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Butterflies | Leave a comment

‘Bexley Wildlife’ social – Tuesday 18th August, Bexley library

The ‘Bexley Wildlife’ team, a web platform collaboration between Bexley Natural Environment Forum and the Greener Bexley Charity, invites ‘followers’ and other interested people to join us at the first of what we hope will be an ongoing series of … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Environment | Tagged | 1 Comment

Some Shuttle wildlife observations, June 4th – another Hairy Dragonfly range expansion?

Call it a bit mercenary, but I helped out on the BETHs stretch clean-up so I could cover a part of the river I’d not done before for the Water Vole survey I’m leading, without having to make special arrangements … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Woods, Bird watching, Butterflies, Crossness, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Friends of the Shuttle, Hollyoak Wood Park, Lamorbey, Marlborough Park, Parish Wood Park, Parks, Plants in Bexley, Raptors, Recording, Reptiles and Amphibians, River Shuttle, Rivers, Sidcup Golf Course, Uncategorized, vegetation management | Leave a comment

FotS Danson wildlife walk

Six members plus a friend joined me as leader on this late spring wildlife walk organised by Friends of the Shuttle, the wildlife/environment action group in the park, looking primarily at plants, damselflies and birds. Some of the plants of … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Butterflies, Danson Park, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Friends of the Shuttle, Invertebrates, Old English Garden, Parks, Plants in Bexley | Leave a comment

SINCs fly-tipping shame

Fly-tipping anywhere is lamentable, but here are some current examples from Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation in Bexley …. All photos by Chris Rose.

Posted in Bexley, Bursted Woods, Cray Riverkeepers, Crayford, Environment, Fly-tipping, River Cray, River Wansunt, Rivers, Thames Road Wetland | Leave a comment

Revised checklist of Dragonflies and Damselflies in Bexley published

As the new Odonata (Dragonfly and Damselfly) season gets underway, the checklist of these species in Bexley, first produced by Chris Rose a year ago, has been revised and updated by the author to include new records, and has been … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Crossness, Danson Park, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Erith Marshes, Foots Cray Meadows, Lamorbey, Recording, River Cray, River Shuttle, Thames Road Wetland | Leave a comment

Welling botany meeting adds probable new species to Bexley list

Rodney Burton writes: One London Natural History Society member was the only other person who turned up to this April 25th meeting! We recorded about 100 species in each of two monads. The only item of special interest was a good … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, LHNS, Plants in Bexley, Welling, Woodlands Farm | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Bexley butterfly highlights of 2014 …..

OK, so 2014 seems a long time ago now, but around now’s the time for submitting reports of that year’s wildlife records for the 2015 London Natural History Society Journal (which won’t actually be published until early 2016 ….). This … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Butterflies, Crossness, Recording | 1 Comment