Category Archives: Bird watching

Abbey Wood ‘eyesore’ provides a home and food for declining House Sparrows and a recovering Moth species

Tiny brownfield site is oasis for nature  The site of the long-demolished ‘Harrow’ pub at the junction of Knee Hill and Abbey Road, labelled in the local media as a dangerous and untidy eyesore by some, was on the sunny … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, brownfield, development threat, Environment, Extinction, Invertebrates | Leave a comment

Danson Bird Reports July 2015

John Turner’s records from Danson Park for July 2015. John comments “Both the little grebe nest (disappeared)  and great crested grebe nest (abandoned) have failed it seems. The garden warbler was a quick glimpse of a brown warbler! Thus the ? The … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Danson Park | Leave a comment

Danson Ringneck Parakeet roost.

Ralph Todd’s video of the birds at their Danson roost.  

Posted in Bird watching, Danson Park | Leave a comment

Please support battle to save Swanscombe Marshes from ghastly ‘theme park’

Swanscombe marshes is threatened by a giant theme park, supported by local Councils mesmerised, as usual,  by the prospects of money, jobs and ‘growth’ at any cost, and with about as much understanding of the importance of wildlife and wild … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, development threat, Environment, Swanscombe marshes, Swanscombe peninsula | Leave a comment

Fears for Bexley’s iconic summer birds – House Martin survey underway

Can you help conserve Swifts and House Martins? Following on from the piece about Swift’s in this week’s News Shopper, Ralph Todd has submitted the following piece to the paper. If you know of Swift aggregations or House Martin nesting … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, RSPB | Leave a comment

Bexley birds maintain media profile

Crossness Kestrels in  hardcopy ‘News Shopper’ two editions running. Joined by Swifts this week. The Kestrel family at Crossness Nature Reserve on Erith Marshes was splashed across the top of the front page in last week’s ‘News Shopper’, so it … Continue reading

Posted in Belvedere, Bird watching, BNEF, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Environment, Erith Marshes, Raptors | 1 Comment

Birder gets on his bike to study other species

Plants, Odonata and fish photographed. From Bexley Bird Report author, Ralph Todd. Mid June-Mid July are relatively quiet times for active birdwatchers so I often pursue other avenues of natural history but keep with the flying beasties as much as possible but … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Fish, Foots Cray Meadows, Invertebrates, Open spaces, Plants in Bexley, Recording, River Cray, Rivers | Leave a comment

Danson: lack of algal mats hits Red Eyes

There was an almost complete lack of floating algal mats at Danson lake on 29th June. I had gone to check on Himalayan Balsam eradication efforts, but also to see if both  species of Red Eyed Damselfly were now on … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Butterflies, Danson Park, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Recording | 1 Comment

Bryony Ladybird reaches Crossness

The Bryony Ladybird (Henosepilachna argus) has been found at Crossness by Chris Rose. The GiGL dataset, and Site Manager Karen Sutton having been consulted, it appears to be a new site record for the species, which was first recorded in … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness, Invertebrates, Plants in Bexley, Recording, River Cray | Leave a comment

‘Conservation grazing’ at Thames Road Wetland

It’s been a while since the local ponies were on the site when I was around, but last week (June 23rd) I was intently studying the spread of the rare Brookweed when there was a quiet rustling right behind me. … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Butterflies, Common Lizard, Grass Snake, Invertebrates, Recording, Reedbeds, Reptiles and Amphibians, River Cray, Thames Road Wetland, Thames21 | Leave a comment