Category Archives: Bird watching

Danson Park bird records for January 2015

Our regular update from John Turner from his weekly visits to Danson Park. Interesting to note the small numbers of ring-necked parakeets in his day time observations now that Danson is becoming a regular night time roost for around 2,000 … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Ring-necked Parakeet | Leave a comment

FotS announces February events, including more at Danson Park

News just in from the Friends of the Shuttle, which has several events coming up. The next FotS clean-up is on the Shuttle on Thursday 12th February.  We will be meeting at Crofton Avenue at 10.30, as always please let … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Environment, Friends of the Shuttle, Parks, Ring-necked Parakeet, River Shuttle, Rivers, roost site, RSPB, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Braeburn Park bird walks provide valuable introduction to the site

The London Wildlife Trust’s new Braeburn Park reserve in Crayford is better known by neighbours and other Bexley residents, including existing wildlife enthusiasts, thanks to two walks led by LWT staffer Peter Beckenham. Sixteen people has come along on January … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Braeburn Park, brownfield, Crayford, Crayford Rough, London Wildlife Trust, River Cray, Trees | Leave a comment

Bexleyheath Pied Wagtail roost pictured

Following a discussion with Martin Petchey at Crossness today about the technical difficulties of getting a decent picture of the Pied Wagtails roosting on the non-native Oak outside Carpetright – near the clocktower on Bexleyheath Broadway – he has unexpectedly … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexleyheath, Bird watching, roost site | 2 Comments

Little wind in the Willows as Crossness team stem reedbed tree encroachment

There was a good turnout at Crossness today (Jan 23rd) on a frosty, but sunny and largely wind-chill-free morning, in order to take some willows out of the protected area scrape reedbed, so as to prevent it becoming Willow carr. … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Erith Marshes, Trees, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Danson Parakeet roost count exceeds 2,000 birds

The Ring-necked Parakeet (Bexley) ‘study group’ or RNPB for short (well, I just made that title up) organised the first multi-person Parakeet count at the new Danson overnight roost this evening, in a bid to get a more accurate figure … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Bursted Woods, Crossness Nature Reserve, East Wickham Open Space, Foots Cray Meadows, Martens Grove, Parks, Recording, Ring-necked Parakeet, roost site | 1 Comment

Eighteen enjoy Hall Place/Crayford Rough bird walk in sunny interlude

RSPB Bexley Local Group Walk – Hall Place South and Crayford Rough Tuesday 13th January 2014 – Leaders Ralph and Brenda Todd Ninety minutes before our walk began the skies were thick grey and heavy rain had just ceased, within … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Braeburn Park, Cray Riverkeepers, Crayford Rough, London Wildlife Trust, Open spaces, River Cray, RSPB, Thames21 | Leave a comment

Danson Parakeet roost rockets to 1,500 birds

The news that Ring-necked parakeets have now set up an overnight roost at Danson Park, rather than flying to Hither Green Cemetery or one of the other roost sites in south-east London, was reported here on 23rd December. At that … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Parks, Recording, Ring-necked Parakeet, roost site | Leave a comment

Bexley Bird Report for July – December 2014 published at ‘BW’

Ralph Todd’s July – December 2014 Bexley Bird Report, a compilation of the important bird records made by a number of recorders around the Borough over the last 6 months, has been published on our ‘Bexley Wildlife’ page where there … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Recording | Leave a comment

Urban Birding Challenge – Londoners challenged to take on major cities worldwide

The gauntlet has been thrown down. Binoculars have been draped around necks and telescopes slung over shoulders. The call to compete in The Urban Birding Challenge has been issued! The birders of London have been invited to compete in a … Continue reading

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