Category Archives: Bird watching

Braeburn park bird walks

Peter Beckenham, of the London Wildlife Trust, has planned a couple of guided bird walks at Braeburn Park, the Trust’s new reserve in Crayford – on the south side of the railway line opposite Hall Place – for January and … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Braeburn Park, Hall Place, RSPB | Leave a comment

Danson is new Ring-neck roost destination

One of the great, albeit ‘exotic’, wildlife spectacles in Bexley in recent years has been the sight and sound of Ring-necked Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) flying in successive groups out of various sites in Bexley towards their final night time roost … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Woods, Bird watching, Bursted Woods, Foots Cray Meadows, Ring-necked Parakeet, roost site, Trees | Leave a comment

Danson bird records November 2014

Mediterranean Gull rare record for Danson Park.   05/11/2014 12/11/2014 24/28/11/2014 a.m. a.m. p.m. Great-crested Grebe 3 3 1 Little Grebe 4 4 2 Cormorant 4 4 5 Heron 4 4 1 Little Egret Mute Swan 5 5 5 Canada … Continue reading

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26 Crossness and Bexley RSPB members enjoy winter bird walk at Erith Marshes

Saturday 6th December 2014 Led and reported by Ralph and Brenda Todd. On a frosty but sunny morning, a peregrine falcon watched from the Thames Water incinerator chimney as 16 Friends of Crossness, joined by 10 Bexley RSPB members gathered … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Erith Marshes, RSPB | Leave a comment

Foots Cray Meadows bird walk report. October 28th 2014.

This RSPB Bexley Group event was led by Ralph and Brenda Todd, who have provided this report and photos. Not one but two kingfishers called and flew up river behind Michael Heath (Chair of Friends of Foots Cray Meadows and … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Foots Cray Meadows, River Cray, Rivers, RSPB, Thames21, Weather | 3 Comments

South east’s migratory birds wintering in Africa face steep declines – effects seen in Bexley

The following media release by the RSPB and partner organisations, comments on the State of the UK’s Birds report as it applies to the decline of migratory birds in south-east England. This is just the latest publication (following on from … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Environment, Extinction, Migration, RSPB | Leave a comment

Bexley Park Woods – nest-box scheme success

By Ralph Todd Local conservation volunteer, Duncan Devine, was joined on Wednesday 15th October by colleagues from the Friends of the Shuttle to inspect and clean the 16 nest-boxes he had built and put up with the help of local … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Woods, Bird watching, Friends of the Shuttle, Uncategorized, Volunteering | 2 Comments

Great Skuas and Little Gulls off Bexley. Redwing influx gets underway.

Mike Robinson who frequently covers the Thames path in the Crossness area, spotted three dark coloured birds midstream on October 13th.  Alerting Bexley birdwatchers, he went on to say ‘The pictures are awful but I’m inclined to think the birds … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, River Thames | Leave a comment

East Wickham Open Space species records for 2014

Moira Scottow of East Wickham Conservation Volunteers has circulated a list of species recorded at the site this year, compiled by team member Del. There is an array of trees, scrub and seed-bearing plants, so a good list of birds … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Butterflies, East Wickham Open Space, Recording | Leave a comment

Ragged Robins, Red Admiral and Wigeon at Danson

I came across two flowering Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi) by the rock garden pond at Danson Park today, which according  to GiGL’s database is only the second site for it in the Borough, the other having been Foots Cray Meadows … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Foots Cray Meadows, Plants in Bexley, Recording | Leave a comment