Category Archives: Bird watching

Stonechat at Crossness

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Bexley RSPB Crayford Marshes bird walk, 23rd September 2014

Ralph and Brenda Todd write: Twelve members joined us for a 3 hour walk in glorious sunshine and warm conditions. We met in Moat Lane then walked past Howbury Manor and moat where 4 male Chaffinches were busy feeding. Twelve … Continue reading

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National House Martin Survey in 2015 – could you help locally?

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) will be conducting a national survey of House Martin nests next year in a bid to help understand their national decline. The BTO say “Volunteers have helped us to collect information about breeding House Martins on their … Continue reading

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Support required! Critical test case for protection of key wildlife sites from ‘development’.

Last Thursday evening Medway Council’s Planning Committee voted unanimously to approve the notorious Lodge Hill development on a SSSI, despite having received over 400 objections from local residents, conservation groups and the Government’s own environmental advisors, Natural England. Please ask … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Planning | 2 Comments

August records from Danson Park

Augusts’s records of wildlife sightings in Danson Park from John Turner. We are always pleased to receive records of observations. Email to We keep copies of reports in a cloud folder at Danson Park August 2014 01/08/2014 07/08/2014 18/08/2014 … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Dragonflies and Damselflies | 1 Comment

Danson Park July records

Last month’s records of wildlife sightings in Danson Park from John Turner. We are always pleased to receive records of observations. Email to We keep copies of reports in a cloud folder at   04/07/2014 07/07/2014 15/07/2014 21/07/2014 a.m. … Continue reading

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Danson Park wildlife reports June 2014

Latest records from regular Danson Park visitor, John Turner. We are always interested in receiving reports if you are regularly visiting a particular site.   06/06/2014 17/06/2014 26/27/06/14 a.m. a.m. a.m. Great-crested Grebe 2+2juv 2+2juv 2+2juv Little Grebe 1 1 … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Recording | 1 Comment

Mellow yellow – lutino Ring-necked Parakeet pictured at Crossness

A rare yellow colour form of the familiar Ring-necked Parakeet was photographed at Crossness Nature Reserve on Saturday 26th July, reports Site Manager Karen Sutton. Birding UK says: This is a colour form [of Ring-necked Parakeet] know as ‘lutino’, in … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness | Leave a comment

Birds in Sidcup report January to June 2014

Bird sightings in the Sidcup area in the last six months collected by Ian Stewart available now at:

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Bexley Bird Report – January- June 2014

The new report of birds recorded in Bexley is available on our Birds in Bexley page.

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