Category Archives: Bird watching

Danson Park records for April 2014

Keeping notes of what you see, where and when is important in hleping build up a picture of the wildlife in Bexley – and in particular how it might be changing over time. John Turner has been keeping records of … Continue reading

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Crossness Cuckoo makes local press

The calling Cuckoo reported at Crossness by a number of BexleyWildlife readers has now been photographed and appears in this week’s News Shopper.

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Bird walk at Crossness Nature Reserve May 1st

Ralph and Brenda Todd will be leading a midweek bird walk on Thursday 1st May at Crossness Nature Reserve. An excellent opportunity to attend one of Ralph and Brenda’s excellent bird walks and see a splendid site. “It should be a … Continue reading

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Carrion crow reacts to reflection.

Hall Place this Sunday. The only excuse you need not to clean your car.

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Bird report June to December 2013

Latest Birds in Bexley report, covering June 2013 to December 2013 compiled by Ralph Todd in our Birds in Bexley page at

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Bird watching at Woodlands Farm

Woodlands Farm Trust on Shooters Hill has just published its Autumn 2013 bird report: Most notable records were a Water Rail heard mid-September with a Snipe, a number of Hobbies and a Common Buzzard also seen that month. December brought … Continue reading

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