Category Archives: Bird watching

Save our Skylarks! More than 50 protest at Cory plan to kick birds in conservation danger off Erith marshes and out of Bexley

Forty-six adults and eight children turned out for today’s ‘Save our Skylarks’ demonstration at Erith marshes, organised by members of Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve, at which our new campaign banner was unveiled and kites were flown with cut-out Skylarks … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Demonstration, development threat, Erith Marshes, Planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Short-eared Owl lands in Bexleyheath garden – pictures

RSPB Bexley members Richard and Jill Keene couldn’t believe their eyes when a large owl flew into their Bexleyheath garden at 9.50 Saturday (26th) morning and eventually settled against the trunk of a small pine tree. They quickly identified it as a short-eared … Continue reading

Posted in Bexleyheath, Bird watching, Gardens | Leave a comment

One Swallow doesn’t a summer make …. but Bexley’s first for year seen over Thames Road Wetland

The first Swallow of the year in Bexley was seen over Thames Road Wetland at 17.47 yesterday (March 23rd), flying west low over the site as I happened to look up whilst taking some general panoramic photos. British Swallows winter … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Migration, Ring-necked Parakeet, River Cray, River Wansunt, Thames Road Wetland | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Ralph visits gym to confirm Crayford Little Egret roost

Ralph Todd, well-known for his study of local birds, has been wondering where the Little Egrets seen in the Borough roost for the night. A few years ago former Cray Riverkeeper Ashe Hurst had mentioned the trees downstream of Crayford … Continue reading

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Danson Park February 2016 sightings

Sightings from John Turner. We are always pleased to receive bird reports.

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Marsh Harrier seen over Thames Road Wetland as Peregrine perches on nearby pylon

The Marsh Harrier, once extremely rare in the UK, has made something of a comeback. Following a report of a female in the area on March 10th by Ian Stewart, I also saw a female fly low over the site … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Thames Road Wetland | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Circling Buzzard is highlight of Thames Road Wetland visit

A Buzzard seen very high over Stanham Farm as I walked along RiverCray By-way 105 towards Thames Road Wetland, was the avian highlight of a visit to the site yesterday afternoon (March 3rd). After slowly circling for a while, and … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Thames Road Wetland, Thames21 | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Skylark and Corn Bunting spotlight – species in serious UK decline are now under threat in Bexley

Skylarks and Corn Buntings are both farmland bird species of the highest UK conservation concern due to major declines in recent decades. Current planning applications in Bexley threaten to make this worse.  According to the RSPB the Skylark population halved during … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Crayford Marshes, Crossness, development threat | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Buzzards and Red Kites

With both Buzzards and Red Kites having been seen around the Hall Place area in the last few days, Joe Johnson describes the differences. Species spotlight – Common buzzard & red kite Joe 

Posted in Bird watching, Hall Place | 3 Comments

Bird reports Danson Park, January 2016.

Latest report from our regular contributor, John Turner. 01/06/2016 15/01/16 20/01/16 28/01/16 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. sunny Great-crested Grebe 3 1 3 2 Little Grebe 1 2 2 Cormorant 8 9 6 5 Heron 3 3 3 2 Mute Swan … Continue reading

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