Category Archives: Bird watching

RSPB Bexley Group – Hall Place and Crayford Rough, 26th January 2016

The valuable series of walks highlighting the birdlife to be found in Bexley continued with this event at Hall Place and Crayford Rough:  

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Guide to thrushes in Bexley

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House Sparrow count – Barnehurst to Barnes Cray, and additional Perry Street Farm birds

House Sparrows seen or heard (in the latter case counted as 1 if actual number could not be seen)  en route from Grasmere Rd to Maiden Lane on the morning of 20th January were as follows: Grasmere Rd/Merewood Rd: 11 … Continue reading

Posted in Barnehurst, Bird watching, Recording, SINC | Leave a comment

Red-listed Redpolls frequenting lower Cray

A close view was had of Two Lesser Redpolls half way down By-way 105 on the banks of the Cray on 20th January, feeding on Willowherb seeds. In addition, a somewhat fuzzy three-quarter rear view camera trap image captured by … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crayford Marshes, Crossness, Danson Park, Thames Road Wetland | Leave a comment

Rare Black Redstart adopts riverside hangout in Erith

Mike Robinson has been reporting a Black Redstart hanging around beside the Thames in the Erith area off Corinthian Manorway for the past few weeks on the London Bird Club wiki. He has kindly sent us this photograph: The RSPB says ‘The … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, River Thames, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Big turnout for Crossness bird walk on January 8th – full report and pictures

This event proved to be one of the most popular bird walks at Crossness on Erith Marshes, with 37 members and friends turning out to enjoy this great reserve. The recent history of Friends events at Crossness – especially where … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, development threat, Erith Marshes, River Thames | Leave a comment

The great Thames Road Wetland golf ball mystery

This autumn and winter golf balls have kept appearing at the east end of the Thames Road Wetland site, mainly the section between the far edge of the reed-swamp and the railway line, with a few on the sewer pipe … Continue reading

Posted in Barnehurst Golf Course, Bird watching, Thames Road Wetland, Thames21 | 2 Comments

Foots Cray Meadows bird walk January 5th 2016

Report from the first of two bird walks led by Ralph and Brenda Todd last week.

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Snipe, Green Woodpecker and Chiffchaff at Thames Road Wetland

Further winter management at Thames Road Wetland yesterday (January 9th) included knife-cutting Reedmace and several square metres of Common Reed from amongst rushes in the west end shallows. The purpose of this was to restore more of the open, shallow muddy foraging … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Thames Road Wetland, vegetation management | Leave a comment

Support Swanscombe Marshes – wildlife walk Sat Jan 30th 2016

Join an experienced guide for a free walk across the unique wildlife haven of Swanscombe Marshes – threatened by the proposed London Paramount ‘theme park’. This special winter walk is timed to take in the marshes at dusk, a good … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Bird watching, development threat, River Thames, Swanscombe marshes, Swanscombe peninsula | 1 Comment