Category Archives: BNEF

Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation report ‘in the long grass’ for over a year – is Bexley taking biodiversity seriously?

Having recently been subject to considerable criticism over its vegetation management on sensitive wildlife sites, we would normally welcome Bexley Council’s apparent enthusiasm for some long grass, but not when it is (metaphorically) being used as a repository for the … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, BNEF, Budget, Danson Park, Erith Quarry, Land sales, London Wildlife Trust, Open spaces, Planning, SINC | Leave a comment

Residents revolt over Council ‘carnage’ on banks of Wyncham Stream. New row as Council describes heavy-handed management of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation as ‘tree maintenance’.

Bexley Council is once again under scrutiny for an apparently budget-driven ‘scorched earth’ approach to vegetation management. Complaints from residents about the severity of an operation last week along the Wyncham stream, a tributary of the Shuttle, where it flows between Brookend … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Biodiversity Action Plan, BNEF, coppicing, Environment, Friends of the Shuttle, Parks, River Shuttle, Rivers, RSPB, SINC, Trees, vegetation management, Volunteering, Wyncham Stream | 4 Comments

New budget consult: opportunity to support open space ‘maintenance’ reductions over sell-offs, plus more recycling and new energy-saving/light pollution measures

Bexley Council is consulting on further budget-savings proposals which could save open spaces, increase recycling and cut carbon emissions and light pollution, thereby benefiting wildlife and people. The deadline for responses is February 20th. It’s important that as many of … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, BNEF, Budget, Consultations, Environment, Land sales, Light pollution, Litter, Open spaces, Parks, Recycling | Leave a comment

Open spaces sell-off protest photocall – Sunday 8th Feb, Danson

Open Spaces sell-off: News Shopper PHOTOCALL – AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE WANTED! – Sunday 8th Feb., 10 a.m. Danson Park boathouse. Please ‘share’ with your local contacts. The News Shopper is now picking up on this story and is … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Council, BNEF, Budget, Consultations, Environment, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks, vegetation management | Leave a comment

Environment Forum calls for Tesco tree reprieve as store plan collapses.

Troubled supermarket giant Tesco has today announced that it is abandoning plans for a new store on Bexleyheath Broadway on the site of the former Council offices, offering the prospect of a reprieve for an important row of trees. Given … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Bexleyheath, BNEF, Environment, Planning, Tesco, Trees | 2 Comments


Chris Rose, Vice-chair Bexley Natural Environment Forum Erith Quarry, a Grade 1 Site of Importance for Nature Conservation, is now the subject of a planning application for 600 dwellings, which would see three quarters of its semi-natural habitat destroyed. London … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Council, BNEF, Environment, Erith Quarry, Extinction, Housing targets, Light pollution, London Wildlife Trust, Mammals, Open spaces, Planning, Reptiles and Amphibians, SINC | 3 Comments

BNEF: ‘GLA infrastructure to 2050’ plan is another 93 pages of ‘have your cake and eat it’ implausibility

The LONDON  INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 2050 – A CONSULTATION closed on 31st October 2014.  It describes the amounts and types of infrastructure that is thought to be required to cope with a population that the authors believe will reach over 11 million … Continue reading

Posted in BNEF, Consultations, Environment, GLA, Housing targets, Open spaces, Parks, Planning, Sustainability | Leave a comment

Open spaces sell-off: openness, Bexley Council and the ‘phantom list’ it now declines to make public

Bexley Council is consulting the public on a proposal to sell off up to 27 pieces of ‘open space’, as part of its attempt to make further significant budget cuts by 2018. But despite accepting that it will need to … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, BNEF, Budget, Consultations, Environment, Housing targets, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks, Planning | 2 Comments

Bexley Council jacks housing-building numbers five-fold – with little regard for sustainability or transparency

Hands up who has noticed that the Council has increased the number of additional houses it thinks could (read should) be built in the Borough from 4,545 by 2026, with 438 of these in Belvedere, to 22,000, with 11,000 in … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, BNEF, Erith Quarry, Housing targets, Planning, Sustainability, Thames bridges | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Meeting for anti-east London road bridge campaigners / Boris answers on river crossing matters

London Assembly member Darren Johnson AM (Green Party) will host a public meeting at City Hall on river crossings in November. To register your interest, please e-mail  “Rachel Carlill” <> and put ‘register’ in the subject line. Through this meeting … Continue reading

Posted in Belvedere, Bexley Council, BNEF, GLA, Planning, Sustainability, Thames bridges, Thamesmead | Leave a comment