Category Archives: Crossness Nature Reserve

Getting to grips with plant characteristics at Crossness

Yesterday (May 20th) , Tony Wileman, from the London Wildlife Trust, came to Crossness Nature Reserve to educate us on the wonderful world of wildflower identification. Twelve people braved the dark skies and unexpected showers and learned tonnes by doing … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Erith Quarry, London Wildlife Trust, Plants in Bexley | 1 Comment

Swooping Swifts and dancing Damselflies at Crossness

Despite yesterday’s (May 20th) changeable weather, there were some periods of warm sun following the well attended botany meeting (report of that to follow) and 9 Swifts were zooming around over the Southern Marsh wader scrape at just above head … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, development threat, Environment, Erith Marshes, Open spaces | 1 Comment

Crossness boss hopes for patter of tiny Pochard feet

Karen Sutton, Crossness Nature Reserve Site Manager and Thames Water Biodiversity Team Leader is hoping Pochard ducklings will be amongst the new arrivals at the site this spring, after Richard Spink took an excellent photo of a pair of these … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness Nature Reserve, RSPB | Leave a comment

Crossness – latest newsletter highlights massive importance of this jewel in Bexley’s wildlife crown

Karen Sutton, Nature Reserve Manager and Thames Water Biodiversity Team Leader says …. I am pleased to make available our latest Friends of Crossness newsletter, packed full of great wildlife information and photos from the site  – at the foot … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Environment, Erith Marshes, Recording, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

CROSSNESS – exciting range of educational wildlife events announced for the summer

From Karen Sutton – Biodiversity Team Manager, Thames Water Crossness Nature Reserve. I have arranged a diverse series of events through to September, both to showcase the fabulous range of wildlife on the site, and to provide an introduction to … Continue reading

Posted in Bats, Bird watching, Butterflies, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Education, Environment, Erith Marshes, Invertebrates, LHNS, London Wildlife Trust, Mammals | 2 Comments

Cuckoos in Bexley

With two reports of cuckoos so far in Bexley, readers might be interested in the British Trust for Ornithology’s tracking scheme. Over 50% of cuckoos in Britain have been lost in the last 20 years, so research and records are important … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness Nature Reserve | Leave a comment

Big turnout at Crossness bird walk on good day for raptor sightings

Crossness Reserve Manager Karen Sutton writes: 32 attendees braved the cold and wind today (March 21st), to join the Bexley RSPB Crossness Nature Reserve bird trip. The trip was led by Stuart Banks and George Kalli. Included among attendees were … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness Nature Reserve, Erith Marshes, Raptors, River Thames, RSPB | Leave a comment

Crossness team clear major roadside eyesore

Today (Feb 27th), despite a cold and frosty start, the sun shone on 9 of us as we undertook a major litter pick adjacent the Crossness Southern Marsh. Some recent illegal grazing under the flyover next to the southern marsh, … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Environment, Fly-tipping, Litter, Open spaces, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Friends of Crossness reserve clear litter eyesores

Crossness Nature Reserve Manager, Karen Sutton writes: The public footpath that runs along the bottom of the Crossness Nature Reserve, is a pleasant wooded path with plenty of Ash, Hazel and scrub. Unfortunately however, the path gets heavily littered with … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Erith Marshes, Litter, Volunteering | Tagged | Leave a comment

Marsh Harrier drops in for Crossness briefing

Crossness showed with impeccable timing, just what makes it one of the very best wildlife sites in Bexley today, as Karen Sutton – recently promoted to Biodiversity Team Manager for Thames Water – showed two new members of her team … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Erith Marshes, Raptors, Reedbeds | 1 Comment