Category Archives: Crossness Nature Reserve

Crossness reserve reopens as Travellers move on.

Crossness Nature Reserve had to close over the Bank Holiday weekend because of tresspassers. Karen Sutton, Reserve Manager writes on the aftermath. I am pleased to report that the travellers have now been moved on and access to the Protected … Continue reading

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Karen nurtures next generation of nature-lovers

Summer comes to Crossness Members of the Smiley Ark Summer Club visited Crossness Nature Reserve yesterday. Arriving by public transport from their local base in Belvedere, the kids, with an age range of 5 to 9, were excited to visit … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Education | Tagged | 2 Comments

Rare Shrill Carder Bee continues to covet Crossness

Hot news from Crossness Nature Reserve Site manager Karen Sutton, who reports that the rare ‘poster species’ of ‘Thames Gateway’/brownfield sites, the Shrill Carder bee, has once again been found at the site. This is why every opportunity should be … Continue reading

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Friends of Crossness visit Thames Road Wetland

Eleven members of Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve, and a member of the (River) Quaggy Action Group, joined Site Manager Chris Rose on a visit to Thames Road Wetland  on 30th June. The event was a follow-up to a talk … Continue reading

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Late-nite Crossness-ers pleased at a newt

Nine Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve joined reserve manager Karen Sutton last night (27th June) for a second after-dark pond-dipping session at the site, this time on the Southern Marsh. DRAGON EATS DAMSEL Time flew by and we only properly examined … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Invertebrates, Reptiles and Amphibians, SINC | Leave a comment

Crossness Cuckoo makes local press

The calling Cuckoo reported at Crossness by a number of BexleyWildlife readers has now been photographed and appears in this week’s News Shopper.

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Bird walk at Crossness Nature Reserve May 1st

Ralph and Brenda Todd will be leading a midweek bird walk on Thursday 1st May at Crossness Nature Reserve. An excellent opportunity to attend one of Ralph and Brenda’s excellent bird walks and see a splendid site. “It should be a … Continue reading

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Spring Summer events at Crossness Nature Reserve

Dear Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve, I hope this finds you all well and geared up for Spring/Summer. The bird hide at Crossness is now complete and looking amazing. Although it hasn’t had the official ribbon-cutting opening ceremony yet, it … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Threat to local marshes – opportunity to comment on Norman Road planning application

PROTECTING CROSSNESS NATURE RESERVE – HOW YOU CAN HELP  What’s happening?  The former electricity sub-station site along Norman Road, adjoining the south-east corner of the northern part of the marshes, has been divided into four sections, each of which will … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Planning | 1 Comment