Category Archives: Planning


Chris Rose, Vice-chair Bexley Natural Environment Forum Erith Quarry, a Grade 1 Site of Importance for Nature Conservation, is now the subject of a planning application for 600 dwellings, which would see three quarters of its semi-natural habitat destroyed. London … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Council, BNEF, Environment, Erith Quarry, Extinction, Housing targets, Light pollution, London Wildlife Trust, Mammals, Open spaces, Planning, Reptiles and Amphibians, SINC | 3 Comments

Open space sell-offs – just say ‘no’ in budget consult (deadline Jan 9th)! Council still won’t provide list of sites. Adopts standard ‘party line’.

Despite a number of requests to different people within the Council from various local campaigners, prompted by the ‘BexleyWildlife’ web platforms and Bexley Natural Environment Forum, the Council is still refusing to make public the list of 27 sites (a … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Council, Budget, Consultations, Environment, Housing targets, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks, Planning | 4 Comments

Boris bridges part of flawed ‘tarmac and traffic’ plan. What are the alternatives?

Darren Johnson AM, who is hosting today’s meeting for anti road-bridge campaigners,  has released a report highlighting the projected spend by Boris Johnson on road traffic schemes (the north of Bexley is one of the areas where traffic would increase … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Car parking, GLA, Planning, Thames bridges, Traffic, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Campaign for an Act to protect nature.

The RSPB together with the 47 Wildlife Trusts  have produced a document that is an initial discussion of the proposal that as we depend upon the natural world, this should be recognised in law. The Nature and Welfare Act is being … Continue reading

Posted in Parks, Planning, Sustainability | 1 Comment

BNEF: ‘GLA infrastructure to 2050’ plan is another 93 pages of ‘have your cake and eat it’ implausibility

The LONDON  INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 2050 – A CONSULTATION closed on 31st October 2014.  It describes the amounts and types of infrastructure that is thought to be required to cope with a population that the authors believe will reach over 11 million … Continue reading

Posted in BNEF, Consultations, Environment, GLA, Housing targets, Open spaces, Parks, Planning, Sustainability | Leave a comment

Thames river crossings seminar for campaigners – Nov 18th, City Hall

Thames river crossings seminar hosted by Darren Johnson, Green Party Member of the London Assembly  The Green Party is the only party operating in Bexley that is publicly opposed to the new road crossing proposals (Beckton-Gallions Reach, Rainham-Belvedere) currently being … Continue reading

Posted in Belvedere, Bexley Council, Consultations, GLA, Planning, River Thames, Sustainability, Thames bridges, Thamesmead, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Open spaces sell-off: openness, Bexley Council and the ‘phantom list’ it now declines to make public

Bexley Council is consulting the public on a proposal to sell off up to 27 pieces of ‘open space’, as part of its attempt to make further significant budget cuts by 2018. But despite accepting that it will need to … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, BNEF, Budget, Consultations, Environment, Housing targets, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks, Planning | 2 Comments

Meeting for anti-bridge campaigners

London Assembly member Darren Johnson AM (Green Party) will host a public meeting at City Hall on November 18th, starting at 9am for 9.30. To register your interest, please e-mail  Rachel Carlill <> and put ‘register’ in the subject line. … Continue reading

Posted in Belvedere, Bexley Council, Planning, River Thames, Thamesmead | Leave a comment

Bexley Council jacks housing-building numbers five-fold – with little regard for sustainability or transparency

Hands up who has noticed that the Council has increased the number of additional houses it thinks could (read should) be built in the Borough from 4,545 by 2026, with 438 of these in Belvedere, to 22,000, with 11,000 in … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, BNEF, Erith Quarry, Housing targets, Planning, Sustainability, Thames bridges | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Meeting for anti-east London road bridge campaigners / Boris answers on river crossing matters

London Assembly member Darren Johnson AM (Green Party) will host a public meeting at City Hall on river crossings in November. To register your interest, please e-mail  “Rachel Carlill” <> and put ‘register’ in the subject line. Through this meeting … Continue reading

Posted in Belvedere, Bexley Council, BNEF, GLA, Planning, Sustainability, Thames bridges, Thamesmead | Leave a comment