Category Archives: River Shuttle

Two weeks to second FotS@Danson lake clean-up – sign up now!

Friends of the Shuttle is looking forward to its second mass litter pick of Danson Park Lake at the end of this month, after the successful ‘premiere’ last June. The water from the lake flows into the Shuttle in Bexley … Continue reading

Posted in Friends of the Shuttle, Litter, Parks, River Shuttle, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Friends of the Shuttle sets up own Facebook page

To further boost its profile, promote its work, keep existing supporters in touch and garner new recruits, Friends of the Shuttle has set up its own Facebook page at: It’s early days yet, but it will no doubt soon … Continue reading

Posted in River Shuttle, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Latest outbreak of excessive ‘vegetation management’ sparks ‘Key habitat features’ list move

Several complaints about  a ‘scorched earth’ approach to vegetation management along the River Shuttle over the past couple of weeks, have been relayed to noted local bird recorder Ralph Todd of Bexley RSPB, and further dismay was expressed by a … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Consultations, Environment, key habitat features, Open spaces, Parks, River Shuttle, RSPB, SINC, vegetation management | Leave a comment

FotS it all about ? – a brief history of looking after Bexley’s little river.

Friends of the Shuttle (FotS) was formed in March 2013. For two years previous to this, dedicated volunteers had been working hard to keep the River Shuttle free of litter as part of a Thames21 project that was funded by … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Friends of the Shuttle, River Shuttle, SINC, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Shuttle team in Bexley Woods clean-up

A beautiful Autumn morning in Bexley Woods was the setting for Friends of the Shuttle’s latest river clean.  We managed to clear several significant in-stream blockages, mostly caused by large fallen tree branches trapping smaller twigs, leaves and rubbish.  The … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Woods, Friends of the Shuttle, River Shuttle, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Shuttle team clears 10 sacks of rubbish from river

Friends of the Shuttle met on 9 October 2014 and carried out a successful litter pick along a stretch of the river between Crofton Avenue and Penhill Road.  The group collected 10 bags of assorted rubbish (including 5 bags of … Continue reading

Posted in River Shuttle, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Thames 21 river conservation events October – December 2014

Events River Cray Catchment Thames 21 – October to December 2014. Here are the autumn early winter events for Thames21 on the Cray. We have now fully started the Veolia Environmental Trust funded project for the River Cray at Foots … Continue reading

Posted in River Cray, River Shuttle, Rivers, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Friends of the Shuttle clear 20 bags of litter

Mandy Stevens reports: Friends of the Shuttle carried out another successful litter pick along the Riverdale stretch of the river on Thursday 25th September.  We collected 20 bags of assorted rubbish (including 8 bags of recyclables) and assorted bits of … Continue reading

Posted in Friends of the Shuttle, River Shuttle, Volunteering | Leave a comment