Category Archives: Thames Road Wetland

Counting Crows: a low-key local wildlife spectacle to be seen over Barnehurst

Some 343 Carrion Crows were counted heading into Bursted Woods between 19.03 and 19.59 this evening (8th September), from still light until after dark. Whilst the stories on this website about the Danson Ring-necked Parakeet roost, and various woodland fly-out-to-roost … Continue reading

Posted in Barnehurst, Barnehurst Golf Course, Bird watching, Bursted Woods, Crayford Marshes, Danson Park, Joydens Wood, Lesnes Abbey Woods, Recording, roost site, Thames Road Wetland | 1 Comment

Ralph Todd’s Bexley Bird Report for January – June 2015 published

This latest edition of Ralph’s invaluable six monthly Bexley bird reports, covering the period January – June 2015, is now available, having been delayed whilst he works on the massive job – with volunteer assistance – of digitising older Bexley bird … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Woods, Bird watching, Braeburn Park, Crossness, Danson Park, Erith Marshes, Foots Cray Meadows, Migration, Raptors, Recording, River Thames, Thames Road Wetland | Leave a comment

Snakes in the grass

Evidence of Natrix natrix breeding at Thames Road Wetland Grass Snakes, Britain’s largest native snake species, are only occasionally seen at Thames Road Wetland, and are difficult to get photographs of. There is a particular, and somewhat surprising spot, where … Continue reading

Posted in Reptiles and Amphibians, Thames Road Wetland | 3 Comments

QWAG members enjoy ‘back to nature’ experience at Thames Road Wetland

Seven members of the Quaggy Waterways Action Group, a river restoration organisation, and the Secretary of Friends of Sutcliffe Park, all from Lewisham, visited Thames Road Wetland on Saturday July 18th to learn more about the possibilities for enhancing wetland in … Continue reading

Posted in Crayford, Galls, Grass Snake, Reedbeds, Reptiles and Amphibians, River Cray, River Wansunt, Thames Road Wetland, Thames21, Uncategorized, vegetation management | Leave a comment

Bexley Council has no management plan for 80% of SINCS it wholly or partly owns, reveals FOI request

80% of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation wholly or partly owned by Bexley Council have no management plan (i.e. only 1 in 5 does), and 3 of the 6 plans that do exist expired more than 7 years ago. … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Bexley Woods, Biodiversity Action Plan, BNEF, Braeburn Park, Bursted Woods, Chalk Wood, coppicing, Crayford Rough, Crossness, Danson Park, East Wickham Open Space, Environment, Erith Marshes, Hollyhill open space, Joydens Wood, Lesnes Abbey Woods, London Wildlife Trust, Martens Grove, Open spaces, Parish Wood Park, Parks, River Cray, River Shuttle, SINC, Thames Road Wetland, Woodlands Farm | 2 Comments

‘Conservation grazing’ at Thames Road Wetland

It’s been a while since the local ponies were on the site when I was around, but last week (June 23rd) I was intently studying the spread of the rare Brookweed when there was a quiet rustling right behind me. … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Butterflies, Common Lizard, Grass Snake, Invertebrates, Recording, Reedbeds, Reptiles and Amphibians, River Cray, Thames Road Wetland, Thames21 | Leave a comment

Spring into summer at Thames Road Wetland

Things were hotting up at Thames Road Wetland on Tuesday (June 16th). Reed Bunting bred on site in 2013, but last year the male seemed to spend most of the summer singing, with no apparent success. Now he is back … Continue reading

Posted in Butterflies, Common Lizard, Crayford, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Environment, Harvest Mouse, Invertebrates, Plants in Bexley, Recording, Reedbeds, Reptiles and Amphibians, River Cray, River Wansunt, Thames Road Wetland, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Thames Road Wetland management work latest

I managed to squeeze in about four and a half hours of work at Thames Road Wetland on Tuesday June 9th, though I was unable to get there until 17.45, by which time it was predominantly cloudy with only the … Continue reading

Posted in Plants in Bexley, Recording, River Wansunt, Thames Road Wetland, Thames21, vegetation management, Volunteering | Leave a comment

First Red-eyed Damselfly of year, whilst ‘BBC’ puts Danson in third place

A single male Red Eyed Damselfly (Erythromma najas), my first of the year for Bexley, was seen on algal mats on the south side of Danson Park lake this afternoon, May 28th. This adults of this species precede those of … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Danson Park, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Erith Marshes, Foots Cray Meadows, Recording, Thames Road Wetland | Leave a comment

Thames Road Wetland work on a grey May day

It was a grey day at Thames Road Wetland yesterday (May 25th). Whilst there were a lot of Azure Damselflies, and some Blue-tails, they were all perched on grasses or nettles and not flying. There wasn’t a lot of avian … Continue reading

Posted in Grass Snake, Reptiles and Amphibians, Thames Road Wetland, vegetation management, Volunteering | Leave a comment