Category Archives: Uncategorized

How Bexley Council voted yes to concreting Crayford Marshes Green Belt and yet another designated wildlife site

Back on February 16th a majority of Bexley Council’s Planning Committee voted with the chief planning officer’s recommendation to approve the Roxhill ‘Strategic Railfreight Interchange’ scheme on the southern part of Crayford Marshes, termed the landfill and agricultural area.  This … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Council, BNEF, Crayford Marshes, development threat, Environment, London Wildlife Trust, Open spaces, Planning, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Free lecture series, Birkbeck, London – impacts of energy policy on nature

The Ecology and Conservation Studies Society presents a free spring lecture series during Spring 2017 that addresses the effects on nature of our production and use of energy. They will take place on six Friday evenings, 10th February to 17th March, 18:30 to … Continue reading

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Bexley butterfly highlights of 2016

A round-up of key butterfly observations in the London Borough of Bexley during 2016 Principal contributors – Steve Carter, Joe Johnson, Mike Robinson, Chris Rose and Purnendu Roy. Summary: As envisaged in the 2015 report, White Admiral was confirmed as a Bexley … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Butterflies, Crayford, Crayford Marshes, Crayford Rough, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, East Wickham Open Space, Erith Marshes, Hall Place, Hollyhill open space, Invertebrates, Joydens Wood, Lesnes Abbey Woods, London Wildlife Trust, Martens Grove, Parish Wood Park, Recording, River Cray, Thames Road Wetland, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bexley RSPB Foots Cray Meadows 6th December bird walk – report

Ralph and Brenda Todd report on the 6th December Bexley RSPB bird walk at Foots Cray Meadows, which attracted several members new to the group’s outdoor meetings. 28 species were seen including Little Egret, Kingfisher and Gadwall.

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London Assembly green spaces investigation – comments sought, London Green Spaces Friends Group Network submission

The London Green Spaces Friends Groups Network The Future of London’s Green Spaces: London Assembly Investigation / Inquiry now underway. Evidence and recommendations requested. Our much-loved parks and green spaces – around 3,000 throughout London – are recognised by all to … Continue reading

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Opportunity to comment on our Green Spaces – before Bexley’s Conservatives sells them all?

London’s Green Spaces Investigation Start date: 07 November 2016 End date: 09 December 2016 Please note that the submission deadline for this investigation is 9 December 2016. The capital’s green spaces can offer environmental, physical, mental, social and economic benefits for Londoners. … Continue reading

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Thames21 River Cray and Thames Road Wetland events for Nov-Dec 2016

See schedule below. All welcome. Learn new skills. Meet new people. See interesting wildlife.  

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Crossness Nature Reserve – new events schedule

Somewhat belatedly, here’s the autumn and winter schedule of events for Crossness. Please do try and get down and support one of the best wildlife sites in Bexley. You will receive a warm welcome, and pre-booking helps Karen arrange enough … Continue reading

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Danson Park records June 2016

Thanks as always to John Turner for sharing his observations. Danson Park records 06/03/2016 13/6/16 28/06/16 a.m. a.m. a.m. Great-crested Grebe 4+1juv 4+1juv 2+3juv Little Grebe 4 1 3 Cormorant 1 1 Heron 1 1 1 Mute Swan 2+6juv 2+6juv … Continue reading

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Sidcup Garden Project Newsletter July 2016 events

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