Category Archives: Uncategorized

Meadows Event at Hall Place Saturday 2nd July 2016

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Further revision of ‘Butterflies of Bexley’ published

With a growing interest in the butterflies of Bexley, and more people reporting observations, the extent of our knowledge about these species, and their distribution locally, is changing on a weekly basis. This revised version incorporates new information about the … Continue reading

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Tree planting marks tenth anniversary of Friends of Foots Cray Meadows

This year is the Tenth Anniversary of the Friends of Foots Cray Meadows. To celebrate this and link in with London Tree Week, ten mature trees have been planted between Rectory Lane and the Lime Avenue.  As part of the London Tree … Continue reading

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Danson Park sightings March April 2016

Recent records from the Park provided by John Turner.   Danson Park 03/03/2016 23/3/16 4/5/4/16 13/4/16 26/04/16 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. Great-crested Grebe 2 2 3 3 3 Little Grebe 2 1 2 2 Cormorant 1 1 1 1 Heron 1 2 … Continue reading

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Friends of the Shuttle AGM celebrates success

The first formal AGM of the Friends of the Shuttle on April 25th looked back on a very successful year of activity along the river, including both clean-ups and wildlife events, and the stepping up of activity at Danson Park, … Continue reading

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Now Bexley Council officer recommends building on 10% of Crayford Rough, a wildlife site of regional importance.

The onslaught against the most valuable wildlife sites in Bexley is set to continue this week as the planning committee meets on 14th April to consider an application to redevelop the old Electrobase industrial site between Hall Place and Crayford … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Council, Biodiversity Action Plan, BNEF, Braeburn Park, Common Lizard, Consultations, Crayford, Crayford Rough, development threat, Environment, Open spaces, Planning, Plants in Bexley, Reptiles and Amphibians, SINC, Slow Worm, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cory ‘Environmental’ doesn’t believe its own propaganda

Cory ‘Environmental’, the company that has submitted to Bexley Council – in the name of its Belvedere incinerator arm – a plan for two four-storey buildings to cover most of the former Borax fields next to Crossness Nature Reserve, has not … Continue reading

Posted in Belvedere, Bexley Council, BNEF, Crossness Nature Reserve, development threat, Erith Marshes, Grass Snake, Mammals, Planning, Reptiles and Amphibians, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Woodlands Farm starts Bee count programme

Woodlands Farm, straddling the Bexley / Greenwich border on Shooters Hill, has signed up to take part in the Bumblebee Conservation Trust bee walk project this year.  This will involve doing a walk round the farm once a month on a set route … Continue reading

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‘Bexley Wildlife’ welcomes 500th Facebook page ‘like’

‘Bexley Wildlife’ website’s sister Facebook page took two years to reach 400 ‘likes’, but in the last two months has accrued another 100 followers to reach a total of 501. Jonathan Rooks, co-founder of the ‘Bexley Wildlife’ web platforms said … Continue reading

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Quicker objection to Crossness Borax fields plan – download this letter and add personal comments at bottom ….

If you haven’t got round to joining  the more than 200 people who have already made out  an objection to Cory ‘Environmental’s’ plan (they’re the incinerator people)  to destroy the only nesting habitat on Erith Marshes for red-listed Skylark, which … Continue reading

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