Category Archives: Volunteering

FoTS launches expanded programme of events: group to fill environment/wildlife action void at Danson and take on maintenance of the Old English Garden

Committee member Mandy Stevens writes:  Following our successful litter picks in and around Danson Park lake (which drains into the River Shuttle) earlier this year and last summer, we have been discussing with Bexley Council whether we could run other conservation … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Danson Park, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Environment, Friends of the Shuttle, Gardening for wildlife, Gardens, Litter, Open spaces, Parks, River Shuttle, Volunteering | 1 Comment

LACV announces packed programme for rest of year

Lesnes Abbey Conservation Volunteers, which does habitat management work in Lesnes Woods, has published a list of events for the rest of 2015. Events are free and run 12 – 3.30pm. No particular skills or great levels of fitness are … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, Uncategorized, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Cray Riverkeepers to launch boat blitz on lower Cray wash-out litter problem

As previously reported on BW, the lower Cray beyond Maiden Lane bridge is suffering from the large amounts of litter that gets washed into it as a result of the bankside undergrowth in which it was trapped dying back during … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, Environment, Fish, Litter, River Cray, River Thames, Rivers, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Twenty enjoy Bexley Park Woods wildlife walk in spring sunshine

Eighteen people joined leaders Chris Rose from Bexley Natural Environment Forum and Ralph Todd of Bexley RSPB on yesterday’s (March 12th) wildlife walk around Bexley Park Woods, hosted by Friends of the Shuttle, the river that runs through the northern … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Woods, BNEF, coppicing, Friends of the Shuttle, Open spaces, Ring-necked Parakeet, River Shuttle, RSPB, Volunteering | 1 Comment

Thames21 River Cray Project announces forthcoming events

Michael Heath, River Cray Project Officer for Thames21, has published the following series of events. To get involved or for more information, contact him at or ph: 07968 805751. Events during March Thursday 5th March 2015 Assessment and repairs to the damaged … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, Crayford, Friends of the Shuttle, River Cray, River Shuttle, River Thames, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Crossness team clear major roadside eyesore

Today (Feb 27th), despite a cold and frosty start, the sun shone on 9 of us as we undertook a major litter pick adjacent the Crossness Southern Marsh. Some recent illegal grazing under the flyover next to the southern marsh, … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Environment, Fly-tipping, Litter, Open spaces, Volunteering | Leave a comment

FotS cleans Shuttle and Wyncham in rain and wake of Council’s ‘extreme maintenance’

At FotS’ latest litter pick yesterday [Thursday 26th Feb] along the Hollyoak Wood section of the Shuttle and the adjoining Wyncham stream, volunteers worked stoically in pouring rain to extract 16 bags of rubbish, two safes and assorted bits of … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Environment, Friends of the Shuttle, River Thames, Volunteering, Wyncham Stream | 2 Comments

The River Cray project helps deliver Thames foreshore clean-up

Last week’s event at Erith (Feb 19th) in support of the Thames River watch Big Count clean-up was a great success for the Cray project thanks to all those attending and the team from the Erith Depot of Select Plant … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, Crayford Marshes, Environment, River Thames, Rivers, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Residents revolt over Council ‘carnage’ on banks of Wyncham Stream. New row as Council describes heavy-handed management of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation as ‘tree maintenance’.

Bexley Council is once again under scrutiny for an apparently budget-driven ‘scorched earth’ approach to vegetation management. Complaints from residents about the severity of an operation last week along the Wyncham stream, a tributary of the Shuttle, where it flows between Brookend … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Biodiversity Action Plan, BNEF, coppicing, Environment, Friends of the Shuttle, Parks, River Shuttle, Rivers, RSPB, SINC, Trees, vegetation management, Volunteering, Wyncham Stream | 4 Comments

The River Cray is not for scrap – it’s our nature!

Cray Project Officer Michael Heath reports on last week’s (Fri. 13th) removal of car parts from the river just below Crayford town centre, following a second major fly-tipping incident: It was wonderful to be joined by old faces (returning volunteers) … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, Environment, Fly-tipping, River Cray, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment