Category Archives: Volunteering

Over 2,000 Ring-necked Parakeets at Danson roost again

Eleven people attended the Friends of the Shuttle Danson Park Parakeet count on this sunny evening (Feb 17th), tallying some 2,125 birds into the roost area on the north side of the lake. Participants came from FotS, Bexley RSPB, BNEF … Continue reading

Posted in Demonstration, Environment, Friends of the Shuttle, Open spaces, Parks, Ring-necked Parakeet, River Shuttle, roost site, RSPB, Volunteering | 2 Comments

Friends of the Shuttle volunteers remove rubbish from more Council open spaces

Another productive Friends of the Shuttle river-cleaning event took place today (12th February) at Crofton Avenue, Bexley.  15 bags of waste and recyclables were collected by 8 volunteers braving the chilly weather. Our haul also included a child’s car seat, a … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, Litter, Open spaces, River Shuttle, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Friends of Crossness reserve clear litter eyesores

Crossness Nature Reserve Manager, Karen Sutton writes: The public footpath that runs along the bottom of the Crossness Nature Reserve, is a pleasant wooded path with plenty of Ash, Hazel and scrub. Unfortunately however, the path gets heavily littered with … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Erith Marshes, Litter, Volunteering | Tagged | Leave a comment

FotS announces February events, including more at Danson Park

News just in from the Friends of the Shuttle, which has several events coming up. The next FotS clean-up is on the Shuttle on Thursday 12th February.  We will be meeting at Crofton Avenue at 10.30, as always please let … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Environment, Friends of the Shuttle, Parks, Ring-necked Parakeet, River Shuttle, Rivers, roost site, RSPB, Volunteering | Leave a comment

FotS Danson clear-up garners headlines

Last Thursday’s (Jan 29th) very well supported, and clearly much-needed, clean up in and around Danson lake, organised by the Friends of the Shuttle, has been reported by the News Shopper: This event has shown, as did the one … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Friends of the Shuttle, Litter, Parks, River Shuttle, Volunteering | Leave a comment

From white snow to snow white at Footscray

The Thames21 Cray Riverkeepers team had a well-attended review of the past year and planning ahead meeting at Kelsey’s farm cafe on February 3rd. The day started off with snow on the ground, but by the time the event ended … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, Foots Cray Meadows, River Cray, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Little wind in the Willows as Crossness team stem reedbed tree encroachment

There was a good turnout at Crossness today (Jan 23rd) on a frosty, but sunny and largely wind-chill-free morning, in order to take some willows out of the protected area scrape reedbed, so as to prevent it becoming Willow carr. … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Erith Marshes, Trees, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Ruxley team in coppicing action to maintain reedbed

Martin Watts reports on yesterday’s action (Jan 18th) from Ruxley Gravel Pits SSSI, just over the Bexley border in Bromley: ‘Sunday morning saw a light drizzle but it didn’t deter a party of nine from getting stuck into the re-growing willow … Continue reading

Posted in coppicing, Reedbeds, Ruxley Gravel Pits, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Mass litter pick Danson Park

Posted in Parks, River Shuttle, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Two weeks to second FotS@Danson lake clean-up – sign up now!

Friends of the Shuttle is looking forward to its second mass litter pick of Danson Park Lake at the end of this month, after the successful ‘premiere’ last June. The water from the lake flows into the Shuttle in Bexley … Continue reading

Posted in Friends of the Shuttle, Litter, Parks, River Shuttle, Volunteering | Leave a comment