Category Archives: Volunteering

Friends of the Shuttle sets up own Facebook page

To further boost its profile, promote its work, keep existing supporters in touch and garner new recruits, Friends of the Shuttle has set up its own Facebook page at: It’s early days yet, but it will no doubt soon … Continue reading

Posted in River Shuttle, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Open spaces sell-off – Council refuses FOI request to release list

Bexley Council is proposing to ‘dispose of’ 27 open spaces, which it has admitted includes some parkland, in the period to 2018, and is consulting on doing so in its current budget questionnaire. It has declined several written requests to … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bexley Council, Consultations, Housing targets, Land sales, Open spaces, Parks, Planning, Volunteering | 3 Comments

Crossness reed bed work exhibits ‘green gym’ credentials

Seven volunteers worked up a sweat on one of the Crossness Nature Reserve Reed beds today, helping to rake up and burn mountains of reed, including Manager Karen Sutton’s regular team of Reg and Roger who had previously done all the … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness, Crossness Nature Reserve, Erith Marshes, Reedbeds, vegetation management, Volunteering | Leave a comment

FotS it all about ? – a brief history of looking after Bexley’s little river.

Friends of the Shuttle (FotS) was formed in March 2013. For two years previous to this, dedicated volunteers had been working hard to keep the River Shuttle free of litter as part of a Thames21 project that was funded by … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Friends of the Shuttle, River Shuttle, SINC, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

The latest Friends of the Shuttle Newsletter, just published, looks back on a year of hard work and considerable achievements, as well as setting out the programme of events for the next few months, which look set to include some … Continue reading

Posted on by Chris Rose | Leave a comment

Bexley Park Woods – nest-box scheme success

By Ralph Todd Local conservation volunteer, Duncan Devine, was joined on Wednesday 15th October by colleagues from the Friends of the Shuttle to inspect and clean the 16 nest-boxes he had built and put up with the help of local … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Woods, Bird watching, Friends of the Shuttle, Uncategorized, Volunteering | 2 Comments

Shuttle team in Bexley Woods clean-up

A beautiful Autumn morning in Bexley Woods was the setting for Friends of the Shuttle’s latest river clean.  We managed to clear several significant in-stream blockages, mostly caused by large fallen tree branches trapping smaller twigs, leaves and rubbish.  The … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Woods, Friends of the Shuttle, River Shuttle, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Cray crew tackle mini madness and sofa shame

The six Cray Riverkeepers out on Tuesday (October 21st), led by Michael Heath, were confronted by the horrendous sight of a large section of cut-up mini sat on the riverbed along footpath 106, and a sofa trapped in a large … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, Crayford, River Cray, Rivers, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Weekend volunteering – south of the border

Bexley Wildlife’s calendar is a bit short on weekend habitat management volunteering opportunities in November and December at present, with the exception of the Lesnes Abbey Conservation Volunteers team which is active in the north of the Borough.  Anyone in … Continue reading

Posted in Ruxley Gravel Pits, Volunteering | Tagged | Leave a comment

Michael Heath starts Cray Project blog

Cray Project Officer Michael Heath has started a blog about the Cray River-keeper team’s work. The blog is hosted on the website of Thames21, the organisation he is employed by to help manage the volunteer effort to clean up the … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, River Cray, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment