Category Archives: Volunteering

Shuttle team clears 10 sacks of rubbish from river

Friends of the Shuttle met on 9 October 2014 and carried out a successful litter pick along a stretch of the river between Crofton Avenue and Penhill Road.  The group collected 10 bags of assorted rubbish (including 5 bags of … Continue reading

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Thames 21 river conservation events October – December 2014

Events River Cray Catchment Thames 21 – October to December 2014. Here are the autumn early winter events for Thames21 on the Cray. We have now fully started the Veolia Environmental Trust funded project for the River Cray at Foots … Continue reading

Posted in River Cray, River Shuttle, Rivers, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Crossness records preview: April – June 2014

The next Friends of Crossness newsletter is imminent, but a preview of the April to June wildlife records that will be published therein has been circulated by Site Manager Karen Sutton. Karen does a massive job collating all the data … Continue reading

Posted in Crossness Nature Reserve, Recording, SINC, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Winter programme of events at Crossness

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Cray team tackles multiplicity of tasks, looks for Oct 2nd volunteers

Michael Heath writes: This last week had the team of regular Volunteer River Keepers on the Lower Cray at the Thames21 yard, sorting out the kit in the van, which was woefully untidy (even to by my standards), following a … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, Foots Cray Meadows, River Cray, Rivers, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Friends of the Shuttle clear 20 bags of litter

Mandy Stevens reports: Friends of the Shuttle carried out another successful litter pick along the Riverdale stretch of the river on Thursday 25th September.  We collected 20 bags of assorted rubbish (including 8 bags of recyclables) and assorted bits of … Continue reading

Posted in Friends of the Shuttle, River Shuttle, Volunteering | Leave a comment

National House Martin Survey in 2015 – could you help locally?

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) will be conducting a national survey of House Martin nests next year in a bid to help understand their national decline. The BTO say “Volunteers have helped us to collect information about breeding House Martins on their … Continue reading

Posted in Bird watching, Recording, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Cray project maintains momentum as sun shines

Michael Heath writes: The river Cray project continued to bask in the autumn sunshine this week with two clean up events for the lower Cray on Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th September. They involved a number of officer workers enjoying … Continue reading

Posted in Cray Riverkeepers, Foots Cray Meadows, River Cray, Rivers, Thames Road Wetland, Thames21, Volunteering | Leave a comment

Pictures of Braeburn Park progress

Site manager Shaun Marriott has sent us some pictures of early work at this new London Wildlife Trust site just up the road from Crayford railway station, on the south side of the line from Hall Place. Check out the … Continue reading

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Natural Heritage Day to explore HLF funding opportunities for small conservation groups in London

Natural Heritage Day Camley Street Natural Park, 12 Camley Street, London, N1C 4PW Friday 24th October, 10.30am-4.30pm. The Heritage Lottery Fund would like to increase investment in natural heritage by encouraging applications from a wider range of organisations, including smaller groups … Continue reading

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