Bird sightings in the Sidcup area in the last six months collected by Ian Stewart available now at:
A new wave of Government ‘infrastructure’ funding, designed to drive more mindless and environmentally destructive ‘growth’, is likely to raise various mothballed road-building schemes from the dead. One such could be the proposed Bexley by-pass, which would be bulldozed past St. Mary’s Church in Bexley Village, across Green Belt land that is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation and would destroy the tranquility of Churchfield Wood. It is well known that more roads = more traffic, with all the negative consequences that brings. It’s time Bexley Council ditched the 20th century greenwash, and got with a credible programme for real sustainability fit for the huge challenges we’ve created for ourselves here in the third millenium.

The route of the proposed Bexley by-pass, looking from the A2 towards Bexley village. Churchfield Wood, on the left, runs up the south slope of the Cray valley. (Photo: Chris Rose)
In order to prepare ourselves for any future fight over this scheme, local wildlife campaigners may wish to attend the Campaign for Better Transport’s free training conference for anyone who wants to stop a new wave of road building covering the country with tarmac.
To book, and ffi, see:
The conference, in central London, will give you information and intelligence on what’s being proposed, together with training and advice on how to get a campaign off the ground.
The information would also be useful for confronting various Thames crossing schemes. These would pour more traffic into Bexley, and pose a threat to Lesnes Abbey Woods as this would increase the demands for widening of the roads up through the woods towards the south of the Borough.
The CfBT’s website carries the following assessment of the Bexley by-pass. Bexley Natural Environment Forum and others have proposed that this road be removed from the Council’s future plans, as part of its strategic development consultations, but we still await the outcome.
A223 Bexley Bypass