New organic farm in Welling

 We recently visited Keats Community Organics, a new farming project in Welling where Jack Astbury and friends are setting up a certified organic nursery.   

keats big dig

 Located in Keats Road, Welling, Jack Astbury, Ed Harkness and Christina Harrison will be engaging as many people as possible to take part in food growing on all levels, with opportunities to get involved including weekly volunteer sessions, workshops, courses, and an apprenticeship program training young people to become commercial urban food growers.

They have started working on the site and are actively fundraising to ensure a successful launch. You can support them by pledging money through Crowdfunder. I’ve pledged and they are at the half way point with three weeks to go.

To read more about the project and pledge visit their website at


This will be an exciting project with potentially many environmental and wildlife benefits so I hope readers will be pleased to support it.


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Bird walk at Crossness Nature Reserve May 1st

Ralph and Brenda Todd will be leading a midweek bird walk on Thursday 1st May at Crossness Nature Reserve.

An excellent opportunity to attend one of Ralph and Brenda’s excellent bird walks and see a splendid site.

“It should be a good one as we have some great birds on site at the moment, some rather exciting breeding, and lots of migrants. The sedge warblers and reed warblers are back, as are the whitethroats and tons of blackcaps, not to mention plovers, skylarks and all sorts, so it should be a rather fruitful event. Lots of butterflies around at the moment too, and bumblebees, so it’s a lovely time to be out on the reserve. There was a little egret on the scrape today too.

We kick off at 9am at the Protected Area, and the Norman Road gates will be open for vehicular access.”

Karen Sutton – Reserve Manager

Tel: 07747 643958


If you want to attend you should let Karen know, but it isn’t essential, so do feel free to turn up on the day and invite your friends.


Little Egret - a species returning to Britain after becoming extinct in medieval times. Not the bird at Crossness.

Little Egret – a species returning to Britain after becoming extinct in medieval times. Not the bird at Crossness.

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Thames21 events Foots Cray Meadows next week

Additional Volunteer Thames21 (Cray Catchment) Events  Next Week!!

As mentioned as a possibility in my previous e mail concerning Thames21 events here are some short notice activities which changing commitments have allowed me to offer for Thames21 river keepers to address some ad hoc issues..

Wednesday 30th April Foots Cray Meadows. Meet 10:00 Rectory Lane Car park, DA14 5BP – I have acquired a bag of marginal wildflower seeds which need to be sowed now and an ideal site will be pond 9 (Our wooden fenced pond) which still needs cheering up and this may help!, Also river some river work to clear some of the wooden debris that has caught up down stream of five arches. The larger pieces need to be retrieved for our forthcoming river habitat enhancement work. There is also from the Easter Weekend litter in and around the lake river, rubbish collected at the grill at the Royal Park Outfall. So a bit of a session for a few volunteers.

Thursday 1st May we will return to Foots Cray Meadows The (provisional) meeting point is as Wednesday 10:00 Rectory Lane Car Park, Rectory Lane DA14 5BP – There is a possibility of some flood management work at the Five Arches – this is subject to confirmation and therefore if this does not happen we may relocate our activities elsewhere or finishing off as of Wednesday.

Please drop me a line if you are able to attend for waders etc. Your assistance as ever is much appreciated as without volunteer support we cannot achieve or objectives..

Hope to catch up with you next week

Many Thanks


River Cray Project Officer

T    020 7248 7171
M   07968 805 751

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Will cuts to security affect parks?

The News Shopper carries today an article announcing Bexley Council’s plans to no longer lock the Borough’s parks at night to save £200,000 per year.

Of the Borough’s 104 parks there are only 23 that are currently locked at night, perhaps Danson is the most high profile of these.

The obvious concern is of oiks vandalising the parks at night and this is a worry for me as a trustee of the charity that manages Danson House. Our precious building is vulnerable and although we have newly installed security gates it could be a target for vandals or thieves.

Having said that, a majority of parks couldn’t be secured anyway.

It will be interesting to monitor vandalism in the affected parks and see if the consequences (if any) cost more than the security.

The justification for the cuts?

According to Councillor Gareth Bacon – “It will save the council £200,000 a year. Our budget has been cut by one third from central government and more money has gone towards social services.”


The third point is of course that the Conservatives have been determined not to put up the Council Tax for four years so have restricted their options on spending for political reasons. It is a little disingenuous to blame it all on the Government and the need to support local residents through social services.

The newspaper coverage here:

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Weather reports February 2014

Prime Meridian is a newsletter covering weather records (and extreme records these days!) across the south-east. A useful read to see just what we have been through lately and the implications of ‘climate weirding’.

Publsihed by the Ecospheres Project, they describe it as ‘A newsletter following global environmental issues alongside the cycle of the seasons in Southern England’

Download the PDF file .

It can also be downloaded here:


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Sea fish in the Borough

It is easy to forget that Bexley has marine life too.

With the tidal Thames extending far up into London, the river as it forms the border of Bexley contains many saltwater fishes.

For example, a report in the Thurrock Gazette this week shows catches of Bass, Eels and Sole at Morrisson’s Jetty, Erith; Flounders, Bass and Pin Whiting off Belvedere and Flounders and Bass of Thamesmead’s shore.

Eels are a species of concern with huge falls in populations recorded in recent years. A particular problem seems to be the difficulties Elvers (young eels) experience in moving up tributaries to habitats where they can develop into adult fish.

Dams and sluices on the River Cray have been identified as potential barriers.


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Friends of the Shuttle River Clean events April to June

FoTS do important work cleaning litter and problem invasive weeds from the River Shuttle, a tributary of The Cray.

Volunteers are always welcome at their clean-up events. Please email with your wader size request if you are joining them.

Thursday 24th April – Clean Up

Meet: Knoll Road (entrance to BETHS school), Bexley DA5 1NL

Time: 10.30am – 1.00pm

Leader: Robert

Thursday 8th May – Clean up and volunteer river dipping

Meet: Marlborough Park Avenue entrance to Marlborough Park, DA15 9DP

Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm

Leader: Joanne and Duncan

This event will involve a clean-up of the river but also give the adult volunteers a chance to do some river dipping and explore/survey the invertebrate and fish life living in the river

Thursday 22nd May – Clean Up

Meet: Location TBC

Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm

Leader: Jane

Thursday 5th June – Clean Up

Meet: Location TBC

Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm

Leader: Mandy

Thursday 19th June – Clean Up/Himalayan Balsam pulling

Meet: Location TBC

Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm

Leader: Robert

Himalayan Balsam - pretty, but it shades out native wildflowers.

Himalayan Balsam – pretty, but it shades out native wildflowers.


photo by: Jim Linwood
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Thames21 events in the Cray Catchement

Information from Michael Heath, local organiser:

Michael (in cap) with his team.

Michael (in cap) with his team.

This Thursday 17th April 2014, 1000 Start at Hall Place, Bourne Road DA5 1PQ Join North West Kent Countryside Partnership with the planting of marginal plants in the River habitat Margin Enhancements constructed at the edge of the rivers last year. This is an ideal opportunity for Thames21 volunteers to view and take part in the final stages of this type of River Restoration. We are funded for and proposing and planning a similar River Enhancement Project for Foots Cray Meadows this year. Finish 1500 please let me know if you are attending.

Tuesday 29th April 2014 – Thames21 Corporate Event (Litter Pick) at Thames Road Wetland and Byway 105 – Contact Me if you wish to assist. Meeting 0930 for a 1000 start finish at 1300

For the moment my time is being taken up with the ongoing preparations for the extensive river enhancement project at Foots Cray Meadows, The plan for Thames21 to bring a large work party of corporate Volunteers to Bexley for four days Tuesday 29 July to Friday 1st August.  (Both of which should provide exciting opportunities for local volunteers to get involved.)

Thursday 22 May clear as we shall be together with  the Friends of the River Shuttle at the confluence of the rivers Shuttle & Cray.

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Discovery Day at Lesnes Abbey Woods

Tuesday 15 April 11am – 3pm

As part of the engagement programme Creative Junction will be meeting with groups during the Easter holiday. The event, which features activities with North West Kent Countryside Partnership will be an opportunity for participants to be inspired by Lesnes and explore the park.

Please contact Anna Jones (, 01753 470324 if you would like a group you work with to attend.

Following this session the groups will continue their involvement through workshops leading to enhanced and more detailed designs from Mei Loci.

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Interesting roadside vegetation before the Council cuts it all down.

The Council’s contractors are quite good a identifying the verge areas planted with bulbs and not cutting these down until the leaves of the bulbs have had the chance to die back. I suppose we have to be grateful for that.

However, when you see what grows in some of these areas, you can’t help but wish that there was a more enlightened mowing regime in Bexley and that we could see more sights like these.


These buttercups in Footscray Lane show what the verges could look like. They would need litter-picking and probably a mow around the edges so that it looks deliberate, but I’d much rather see this than closely mown grass and ‘lollipop trees’.

Our roundabouts, verges and parks could be a lot more interesting and attractive with a little thought and willingness to vary the contracts for grounds maintenance.


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