All LACV events are free to attend
The events start behind the information centre near Lesnes Abbey at noon, finishing about 3:30pm. All ages & abilities are welcome, to find out more about free Lesnes Abbey Conservation events phone 02083103033 or email
Sunday 16th March – Daffodil and amphibian survey
Join LACV on a gentle stroll around the woodlands for this important annual biodiversity survey.

Lesser Calamint
Sunday 30th March– Lesser Calamint management
Come along and help protect the rare Lesser Calamint plant (the only place in London this plant grows) and help LACV sort / check tools to make sure all our volunteers are safe on the next year’s tasks.
Sunday 13th April – Birch Hill path
Help with the clearing of bramble and other invasive species, which will allow the increase of native wild flower population.
Sunday 27st April – Chalk pit task with London Geodiversity Partnership
This task will start at 10:30am by the information centre and finish about 4:30pm.
LACV are pleased to work with London Geodiversity Partnership regarding their aims to improve access for education, research and the general public to geological sites. The Chalk Pit in Lesnes Abbey Woods is one such site that shall be improved on this task by clearing some of the vegetation and exposing the geological face.
Sunday 11th May – Removal of holly saplings
Come and help LACV members remove unwanted holly saplings from areas of the woodland to prevent them becoming a problem in the future.
Sunday 25th May – Bramble clearance
Join the team to help remove unwanted plant species from one of the woodlands wildflower areas.
Sunday 15th June – Heathland management
Join us on this heathland task to cut back more vigorous species to improve the diversity of the heathland & encourage the heather to grow.
Sunday 29th June – Lesser Calamint management
Come along to LACV’s second activity to help protect the rare Lesser Calamint plant (the only place in London this plant grows).
Sunday 13th July – Heathland management
Help LACV clear invasive bramble and bracken from the heathland, a rare and important wildlife habitat, especially within London.
Sunday 27th July – Ramson glade
This is an ancient herb area that we need to protect from fast growing plant species like bramble.
Sunday 10th August – Removal of holly saplings
Come and help LACV members remove unwanted holly saplings from areas of the woodland to prevent them becoming a problem in the future.
Sunday 24th August Heathland management
Join us on another heathland management task and help protect this area that is important for local wildlife. The heather will be in flower at this time and it makes a wonderful sight.
Sunday 7th September – Fountain Pond
Remember your wellies! Join LACV in helping to restore and enhance this important wildlife habitat.