Most exceptional winter for 248 years.

Latest issue of Prime Meridian, a newsletter covering weather and environment in the south-east reveals the extent of the extreme weather this past winter and the links to climate change.

London is very dependent for protection on the Thames Barrier, used so much this winter that there are concerns that it cannot be maintained properly!

Download the PDF file .





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EU to agree on legislation on Invasive Species?

We have plenty of problems with invasive plants in Bexley, Himalayan Balsam, Japanese Knotweed and some wetland species.

Umbrella conservation group Birdlife report on how the EU law to address Invasive Alien Species is high on the policy agenda in Brussels. After many ups and downs, the three EU institutions seem to have found a compromise on common rules which could halt the environmental, economic and health damages caused by animals and plants introduced to Europe.

Himalayan Balsam; an introduced invasive plant species

Himalayan Balsam; an introduced invasive plant species

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Zero Carbon Britain event 9th April

A regular discussion I have with people is about how we can actually change the way we live (without knitting our own muesli!) and reduce if not eliminate carbon emissions.

‘Zero Carbon Britain: Rethinking the Future’ is the flagship research project from the Centre for Alternative Technology. Their latest report contains the most detailed work to date on ‘keeping the lights on’ in a 100% renewable energy system, and feeding ourselves well on a healthy, low-carbon diet.

To coincide with the release on the 9th April by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of their latest report on managing climate change and the emissions reductions needed to ensure a stable climate future, Zero Carbon Britain will be holding an evening of practical solutions, safe futures and thinking big as they present their latest research on creating a zero emissions modern society, using only currently available technology.

All at St John’s Waterloo, London, SE1 8TY and live broadcast on the web

Register here:

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Amphibians, reptiles and butterflies seen in first warm weekend

Amphibians are turning up in ponds now and withy the warm weekend 8/9th March there should now be a lot of activity. There is a good amount of Frog spawn in my pond.

There are three newts in the Borough, the protected (because it is rare), Great Crested Newt (you need a licence to handle it) and these two:

Photo guide to the bellies and feet of the two smaller newts put together by WShropshire Amphibian and REptile Group.

Photo guide to the bellies and feet of the two smaller newts put together by Shropshire Amphibian and Reptile Group.


Common Lizards have also been seen and a number of butterflies came out of hibernation. It could all go disastrously wrong of course with a cold snap, but let’s enjoy it for now.


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London Marsh Frog Survey

The London Amphibian and Reptile Group (LARG) has obtained permission to survey the ponds at various central London parks for Marsh Frogs.

Although not in Bexley, local conservationists might be interested in getting involved

Marsh Frog

Weekends, meeting at the park location just before sunset and we anticipate surveys to run for ~2 hours in all – but will depend on the size of the ponds to walk around and survey etc., on occasional days it is likely we will grab some pub grub to help kill time and be social first.  There is roughly a 5 person limit per survey date.

Preliminary dates we have so far are: MARCH

Sat 15th (meet at 17:00 – 18:30) – possibly Hyde Park

Sun 23rd (meet 17:00 – 19:00) – location tbc.

Sat 29th (meet 17:30 – 19:30) – location tbc.


Sat 5th (meet 17:30 – 19:30) – possible start on Bushy Park

Sat 12th (meet 17:00 – social? – 8pm start) – possible start on Bushy Park.

To find out more/get involved, email Sam Ho,

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National survey on attitudes to reptiles and amphibians.

Common toadWe love them!

National charity Froglife has a survey finishing next week sking for people’s attitudes towards reptiles and amphibians.
The survey is coming to an end on the 14th of March.  They are asking people what they think about snakes, newts, frogs, lizards and toads as part of a project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund to investigate how the animals are viewed.  We would love to know your thoughts about wildlife and charity, and you can find the online survey here. ( )

photo by: erikpaterson
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Lesnes Abbey volunteering programme 2014

All LACV events are free to attend

The events start behind the information centre near Lesnes Abbey at noon, finishing about 3:30pm. All ages & abilities are welcome, to find out more about free Lesnes Abbey Conservation events phone 02083103033 or email

Sunday 16th March – Daffodil and amphibian survey

Join LACV on a gentle stroll around the woodlands for this important annual biodiversity survey.

Lesser Calamint

Lesser Calamint

Sunday 30th March– Lesser Calamint management

Come along and help protect the rare Lesser Calamint plant (the only place in London this plant grows) and help LACV sort / check tools to make sure all our volunteers are safe on the next year’s tasks.

Sunday 13th April – Birch Hill path

Help with the clearing of bramble and other invasive species, which will allow the increase of native wild flower population.

Sunday 27st April – Chalk pit task with London Geodiversity Partnership

This task will start at 10:30am by the information centre and finish about 4:30pm.

LACV are pleased to work with London Geodiversity Partnership regarding their aims to improve access for education, research and the general public to geological sites. The Chalk Pit in Lesnes Abbey Woods is one such site that shall be improved on this task by clearing some of the vegetation and exposing the geological face.

Sunday 11th May – Removal of holly saplings

Come and help LACV members remove unwanted holly saplings from areas of the woodland to prevent them becoming a problem in the future.

Sunday 25th May – Bramble clearance

Join the team to help remove unwanted plant species from one of the woodlands wildflower areas.

Sunday 15th June – Heathland management

Join us on this heathland task to cut back more vigorous species to improve the diversity of the heathland & encourage the heather to grow.

Sunday 29th June – Lesser Calamint management

Come along to LACV’s second activity to help protect the rare Lesser Calamint plant (the only place in London this plant grows).

Sunday 13th July – Heathland management

Help LACV clear invasive bramble and bracken from the heathland, a rare and important wildlife habitat, especially within London.

Sunday 27th July – Ramson glade

This is an ancient herb area that we need to protect from fast growing plant species like bramble.

Sunday 10th August – Removal of holly saplings

Come and help LACV members remove unwanted holly saplings from areas of the woodland to prevent them becoming a problem in the future.

Sunday 24th August Heathland management

Join us on another heathland management task and help protect this area that is important for local wildlife. The heather will be in flower at this time and it makes a wonderful sight.

Sunday 7th September – Fountain Pond

Remember your wellies! Join LACV in helping to restore and enhance this important wildlife habitat.

photo by: montuno
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Bird report June to December 2013

Latest Birds in Bexley report, covering June 2013 to December 2013 compiled by Ralph Todd in our Birds in Bexley page at

Pied Wagtail - a large roost found in Bexley.

Pied Wagtail – a large roost found in Bexley.

photo by: aigledayres
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Garden Wildlife Health project

Garden Wildlife Health moves in to its second year – a citizen science project, GWH is monitoring the health of British garden wildlife. It investigates infectious diseases as well as toxicity, trauma and predation.

How you can help: – if you find a sick or dead animal in your garden – their focus is on amphibians, reptiles, garden birds and hedgehogs – then log on to their website.

This will allow you to report it and they may even ask you to make the body available for a post-mortem.

Hopefully you won’t be finding too many dead animals in your wildlife garden, but problems such as mass die-offs of frogs in ponds need to be monitored if we are to take a scientific approach to protecting our wildlife.

Download the PDF file .

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Friends of The Shuttle events – March 2014

Dear Friends of the Shuttle volunteers and supporters,

February saw a very successful event on the River Shuttle with a brilliant turn out of volunteers, a film crew and the removal of 15 bags of rubbish along with a bike, fire place and sofa cushions! Volunteers enjoyed some sunshine and fresh air, a lovely atmosphere and even a cup of tea and biscuit after the event! During the half term holiday local families helped to remove 6 bags of rubbish from the river where it flows through Holly Oak Wood Park and made a real difference to the wildlife living there – well-done!

Spring is beginning to emerge so there is no better time to get out onto the river, see some of the spring flowers appearing and of course help to keep our little river clear of rubbish. Friends of the Shuttle have a few different events in the pipeline so watch this space for future events emails…

For March we have 2 clean up events – please remember to book in advance with your wader size request to the relevant leader (as listed below).

Tuesday 4th March – Clean Up
Meet: Marlborough Park Avenue entrance to Marlborough Park
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Leader: Joanne. Please email with your wader request if you wish to join us.

Thursday 27th Mach – Clean Up
Meet: Location TBC
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Leader: Mandy. Please email with your wader request and to find out the exact location nearer the time.

As always, please pass this on to anybody you think might be interested – all welcome! Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions/queries.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you all out on the river soon!

Best wishes,
Joanne Bradley and Friends of the Shuttle
Environmental Education Officer
Thames21 – bringing London’s waterways to life
sign-up to our monthly e-newsletter and follow us on Twitter and Facebook

M 07585 302 623

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