Tag Archives: London Wildlife Trust

Upcoming Braeburn Park workdays with the London Wildlife Trust – more help needed!

Shaun Marriott, Reserves Officer (South), London Wildlife Trust, is looking for more help with site management as the winter looms, since there is much to do and there has been less help from the local community so far than had … Continue reading

Posted in Braeburn Park, Crayford, London Wildlife Trust, Volunteering | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Braeburn Park (LWT) to Churchfield Wood and St. Mary’s Churchyard. Some plants and insects seen on 16th August.

On a warm sunny day at London Wildlife Trust’s Braeburn Park reserve there were fair numbers of butterflies about. Holly Blues were seen across the site. Some male (mostly) and female Common Blues were on the large grassy/scrubby bund to west … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Butterflies, Churchfield Wood, Invasive species, Invertebrates, London Wildlife Trust, Plants in Bexley, Recording, vegetation management, Volunteering, wild flowers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Braeburn Park (LWT) holds first public ‘open day’

London Wildlife Trust held a first public ‘open day’ at its Braeburn Park reserve in Crayford, on July 10th. The weather started off overcast but brightened up. Bexley Council’s new Mayor put in an appearance. Bird walks took place, and … Continue reading

Posted in Braeburn Park, Invertebrates, London Wildlife Trust, Recording | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

LWT announces Braeburn ‘open day’

The Braeburn Park Nature Reserve in Crayford, over the railway line from Hall Place, which is managed by London Wildlife Trust, will be holding an open day on Sunday 10th July. See poster below for details: http://www.bexleywildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/BRAEBURN-OPEN-DAY-POSTER-2016.pdf  

Posted in Braeburn Park, Crayford, London Wildlife Trust | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

LWT Water for Wildlife Project Officer visits Thames Road Wetland and Crossness

David Courtneidge, Water for Wildlife Project Officer (South) for London Wildlife Trust came to Bexley on May 20th. He is visiting wetland sites across south London with a mission to select an initial three to focus on for training/recording and habitat improvement events, with … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Crossness Nature Reserve, Dragonflies and Damselflies, London Wildlife Trust, Thames Road Wetland | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

London butterfly project set up to produce new distribution atlas. Bexley butterfly and moth Facebook page launched.

The London Natural History Society is calling on existing and potential new recorders to help produce a new butterfly distribution atlas for Greater London, the results of which will be compared with the last LNHS survey which was in 1980-86.  Much has … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Braeburn Park, Butterflies, Crossness Nature Reserve, LHNS | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Old Farm Park group eyes biodiversity improvements, as it emerges Council’s 12m strip won’t protect SINC area

Save Old Farm Park campaigners announced some time ago that they would be looking to increase the park’s wildlife value whether the sell-off of the eastern half by Bexley Council went ahead or not. We can report that some initial … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, development threat, Old Farm Park, Open spaces, Parks, Planning | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Crayford Marshes – London Wildlife Trust objection to road/rail depot threat

London Wildlife Trust has submitted a highly critical objection to the re-heated proposal from an outfit called Roxhill to build a large rail/road interchange depot on a substantial part of the southern end of Crayford Marshes, adjacent to Slade Green … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley Council, BNEF, Crayford Marshes, development threat, Environment, London Wildlife Trust | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Skylark and Corn Bunting spotlight – species in serious UK decline are now under threat in Bexley

Skylarks and Corn Buntings are both farmland bird species of the highest UK conservation concern due to major declines in recent decades. Current planning applications in Bexley threaten to make this worse.  According to the RSPB the Skylark population halved during … Continue reading

Posted in Bexley, Bird watching, Crayford Marshes, Crossness, development threat | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment